Dana lying about Babalu's record?

lol @ rhodges03! Always siding with liers!

"You freaking tards try to blame Dana for everything like a Liberal tries to blame Bush!! ITS PATHETIC!!!"

I'm not a Dana hater. I generally like the UFC and order UFC events.

But when the man lies, the man lies.

Dana just said this again on the live SIRIUS preshow.

Ok, Dana definitely fibbed in the UFC 62 Countdown show that's on Spike right now.

Dana: "Out of the last eighteen guys, he's beaten seventeen of them. The one was Chuck Liddell."


8/11/2001 Loss Fedor Emelianenko Rings-10th Anniversary Decision (Unanimous) 2 5:00

1/11/2002 Loss Kevin Randleman UFC 35-Throwdown Decision (Unanimous) 3 5:00

7/13/2002 Win Elvis Sinosic UFC 38-Brawl at the Hall Decision (Unanimous) 3 5:00

11/22/2002 Loss Chuck Liddell UFC 40-Vendetta KO (Head Kick)

Who fucking cares? Don't some of you guys have better things to do then talk about this?

the day Dana stops lying, then you know something's up.

Haole, did you bother to read the thread at all?

and it's not true. Dana also said ""Out of the last eighteen guys, he's beaten seventeen of them. The one was Chuck Liddell." that is clearly false, and also shows what he meant with his other quote, which I think was edited from the same interview.

"Hurray for more UG losers disecting and analyzing everything Dana says. That mans nuts must hurt from you all hanging from them."

It's pretty annoying when Dana starts trying to whitewash his fighter's records, especially a potential champ. What's wrong with the truth? A ten fight win streak is good enough - what's the need to exaggerate it?