Dana, please sign Mousasi

The most talented up-and-coming fighter in MMA (IMO) NEEDS to fight in the UFC. Dana, make it happen, he's already stated he's interested in fighting in the UFC.

It makes too much fucking sense. the ones we want to see in there the most are the ones who don't get in for years. He has looked great lately and I'm highly interested to see how he would match up in the UFC, especially with a few fights under his belt against better competition.

"I will agree that he can add something to the mix, but i wouldn't say he's the most talented up and comer..."

Who is?

Mousasi would be awesome.

Mousasi is promoted by M1 and Vadim...I doubt it will happen. Hopefully the swing something to get both Fedor and Mousasi in the UFC but I think Mousasi still has a dream contract.

Yeah, he still has to finish winning the SuperHulk tourney.

“Well, what can I say? It’s ridiculous. Because (of) one idiot, we all have to pay for that. Fuck it. Maybe I … I don’t know … Maybe I’ll go to the UFC. It’s ridiculous that this has to happen. I’ve been preparing for weeks now.”

Sounds liek he can barely contain the excitement at teh prospect of working for Dana!!!!!

In all seriousness, I would love to see him in the UFC but I have my doubts.

Isnt he managed by Finklestein as well?



TTT 4 Mousasi in the Octagon!

RyannVonDoom -  He's signed with Dream I thought?

 Correct. He has stated he is happy with how DREAM has treated him

DREAM is solid, but I think just like Pride, losing the Network deal in Japan will be their kiss of death....
