Dana should sue ESPN/not a drunk!

That is BULLSHIT that ESPN claims Dana White is a drunk and can't control himself. I really hate that they are trying to bring down the sport like that. I bet they either made up the quotes or Dana said it off the record. Either way it should not have been reported and I hope the UFC sues the hell out of ESPN and gets a big settlement with it.

Cindy O can you please get to the bottom of this and find out what the truth is? You are a reporter who has connections to Dana White and talk to him almost every day. Please find out the truth for us.

Trolling? Or Dana nuthugging?
Dana is not 'the sport'. Dana is a foul-mouthed egomaniac that thinks
he is the sport. And his sorry ass needs to be brought down a few
rungs anyway. Besides, if he did say it, what would you have to whine
about then?

No hurry along and get back to school before lunch break is over.

Have you heard Dana talk on tv?

I did some of best work promoting when drunk. I gain respect for the man daily.

I did some of best work promoting when drunk. I gain respect for the man daily.

I did some of best work promoting when drunk. I gain respect for the man daily.

Drunk post #3

drinking is fun..

Nontraversy imo. Zuffa's got enough lawsuits currently pending me thinks.

And honestly if Dana wasn't cool with people knowing about his past troubles or whatever he probably wouldn't have let it be known.

Shit who hasn't had that battle in one form or another honestly? Dana's human, it's not news imo.

Drinking is the best. And all this time I thought Beth was the lush at Zuffa.

My best UG posts usually come to me at the bottom of a bottle...

I only post when I drink.

Cage Side Live radio wouldnt be the same sober...

True Story - I almost bought a six pack of Keystone this weekend in honor of GB because I hadn't seen him post in awhile.