Dana this,Dana that (A Rant: feel free to ignore)

Well I was just reminded of a reason why I don't come here as much. The night after an MMA event, and I'm looking to find more analysis on fights and news on post fight occurrences in relatively direct relation to the fighters themselves, and no less than 8 threads about Dana on the main page(at my time of posting, and yes I realize that I have increased this number.

People can make any threads that the mods deem to be within the rules (and I don't see how many of these threads violate that)Dana's an important figure (arguably the most important),he seems to be tied to almost every occurrence in MMA at least indirectly. Also,in many other sports, figures like the General manager (who perhaps dana could be best compared to) get enormous attention, so I understand why there so much attention devoted to him.Hell I understand why that there are many message boards/threads devoted to NASCAR, it doesn't mean I enjoy going to them, which I guess is the point of this thread, that there just comes a point (and it's different for every person I'd suppose) where there's just too much talk about his comments, perceived mindset,and past/current actions (from haters and lovers alike) for my taste.

One solution is to look for other threads but to be honest, I get a little tired of scrolling through the threads I give perhaps an iota about, relative to threads that interest me more. I guess we all have different tolerance levels.A second solution is to create more "non-dana" threads on my own. It sounds like a reasonable idea, unless they sink to the bottom due to a relative lack of interest. (which could be due to the merits of my thread,and/or the relative excitement/loathing about Dana relative to many other topics here. Personally, I don't think I have the current tools to "scientifically" differentiate between these the two hypotheses,or the value on time vs. reward to carry it out if I did.

Apologizes for spelling/grammar those tend to go the wayside to the during ranting from my experience. Just wanted to vent before going back into hibernation again (which may be good news for productivity anyway) Have a good one.Ohh and a pre-emptive "FRAT" to save some people the extra seconds of typing if they wish
