Dana Should Be in the 3rd Season Of Celebrity Rehab "Anger Management"
Jewnior -Banter -KyleJohnson -Banter -nate787 - Freeman is right. It's almost embarrassing to be an MMA fan anymore.
Because the PRIDE scandals were so pure?
Scandals and bad press in general bog the sport down.
He said "anymore"
This entire sport has always been wildass and always will be and I want it that way.
The thing about pride is that the only people who gave 2 fucks about it was us. The casual fan knew nothing of pride. So none of that stuff made it to press here because it was'nt as "main stream" as the UFC is now.
it was main stream in Japan and Im pretty sure the press cared there
sockeye - fuck Dana, I totally support Freeman
so you hate MMA? why are you here?
CRBMoney14 -Jewnior -Banter -KyleJohnson -Banter -nate787 - Freeman is right. It's almost embarrassing to be an MMA fan anymore.
Because the PRIDE scandals were so pure?
Scandals and bad press in general bog the sport down.
He said "anymore"
This entire sport has always been wildass and always will be and I want it that way.
The thing about pride is that the only people who gave 2 fucks about it was us. The casual fan knew nothing of pride. So none of that stuff made it to press here because it was'nt as "main stream" as the UFC is now.
it was main stream in Japan and Im pretty sure the press cared there
There not here(USA)
misogynistic? so Dana has to Make a Public Apology to Women Groups Now? there's a lot of Women who watch UFC you know
Please keep the responses firm but civil.
Mr. Freeman
I respect your opinion on Mr. White's comments however I do disagree with your own comments as well as your perception that everyone has to act the same way in a public forum. While many may disagree with Mr. White’s use of language and disparaging remarks towards women and homosexuals he has every right to voice them. If you do not like his words and actions and others feel the same way you are free to just as much as he is free to make them he owes us nothing. As part owner of a privately held company he has to answer to the fans and the majority owners. If they choose to hold him to a higher standard they will make it know to him.
As to your statement that Mr. White is garbage as well as the sport that he is largely responsible for, that is your opinion. As much as you regard Mr. White’s opinions on homosexuals and women as unwarranted I, as well as many others I’m sure, whole heartedly disagree. Mr. White and his company and sport perform many great services to the community such as UFC: Fight for the Troops which raised money for Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. You condemning him and the sport based solely on his choice of words is just as ignorant as someone disregarding the actions of a gay man passed on his sexual preference alone. Frankly, I am quite tired of political double talk and PC paranoia I respect people that speak there mind even if I do not agree. If you think that he could keep his comments to himself maybe you should learn to take your own advice.
L. Cypher
Monsters Ball - Bottom line is that Dana does absolutely need to tone it down and not act so out of control in the press. It is kind of embarassing IMO.
Sadly enough Lorenzo came on the forum making jokes about Dana's tirade. Lorenzo even said his money is on Dana.
So I doubt things will change much while this kind of leadership is in charge of the UFC.
Well said.
2285 Signatures Total
I wonder Mr. Freeman did you read this article before you submitted it? You bash "UFC" fans and claim that they or should I say I would offer to suck Dana Whites toes. Have you watched a single Vlog he does? Dana is a real human being, he is the only one of the heads of sport(stern, goodell, Selig) that cares about his fans, so much that he goes out of his way to respond to posts on the internet website mixedmartialarts.com and invites one of them to a party he threw. Dana is the reason that the UFC or MMA is even mentioned in the same breath as the NFL, NBA, and MLB that is why he is loved. He talks to fans at events, takes pictures, and signs autographs. Check out some of his Vlogs and see what kind of real person he is, I can tell you I don't agree with his methods but his madness works. I wrote to tell you that I don't appreciate the assumtions you made about all MMA fans and that I think you as a national columnist should really look at what you are submitting. Better yet maybe I need your editors name and email so that I can discuss this with that person as you are a mere reporter who just throws words on a page the editor is the one with the real talent. See how that feels me assuming you are an idiot and that someone else is better than you? That is how I felt when I read this article. So is that not anynoumous enough for you, since you also claimed that all MMA fans were all bark and no bite. I am sorry that some delinquints got your home number and made threats and spewed nonsense but that is not a reason you should condemn all fans, would you condemn all NFL fans if you went to an Eagles game and had things thrown at you and curse words shouted at you from the stands? No you would say man those crazy Philly fans they love thier eagles. Guess what most of us MMA fans LOVE our sport it is a community and to some extent a family. So please I urge you to take the time and consider that next time you go to bash the MMA community. Thanks for your time.
That is what I sent I also went off on the lady from Cagewriter. This is why MMA shouldnt be main stream, too many people to get Butthurt
Rhyner - This is why MMA shouldnt be main stream, too many people to get Butthurt
"No act of attempted intimidation will change the fact that White's comments are so far out of bounds, so extremist, that there should be significant repercussions for him."
What country does this writer think he lives in? Where you have the right not to be offended? Where there should be instant and crushing penalties for people who dont behave in a pc manner or use offensive language about women or gays?
Last time I checked we were in America. I hear 100 things a week that offend me. Because Im an able-bodied straight white male thats just too bad? Or do I get to bitch and make threats and demand appologies too?
Here's my letter
Mike Freeman: I am amazed you are a journalist for a respectable publisher. You're comments sounded like you were trying to impress your mom, by telling on your dad. I don't know much about you, or what you write about, but I am shocked it is taking seriously. Dana White's comments may be inappropriate, but that's the gist of it.
Grow up.
There e are mma fans on this forum like the original poster that made this thread who are just as sensitive as the faggots Dana offended. Anyone who makes a negative comment about mma and they go into a tizzy that would make a jihadist blush. Fucking cry baby losers.
Squared Circle - Lol. He accused Dana White of having a bad haircut.JeffCain - blablabla The irony is they're so offended by the word "faggot" but all probably voted against gay marriage and go to their hate institutions on Sundays that they call churches. How can a nation that discriminates against gays be offended by the word "faggot?" blablablabla...
Dang. I figured at least three pages before some nerd-raging internet atheist would take this thread totally off-tangent.
LMAO @ you. I guess you don't know who Jeff Cain is. Fucking TUF newb.
how many more threads are you going to say the same crap on?
Freeman's hatered of MMA has nothing to do with DW, he has been ripping the sport for years.
Dana was totally wrong here, but anyone who supports Freeman is not a fan of the sport.
duckdown - Dana is an absolute tool.. He is truely a piece of garbage, and the UFC is so fucking watered down now its ridiculous
so stop watching it, stop talking about it - do something else with your free time rather than bitch about it on the internet