Dana White UFN Video Blog 4/1/09


I couldnt really tell how DW feels about Loretta Hunt.


Thanks for the embedding


I think He's a Homo on trying to take on a female , like he's pulling a Chris Brown thing..i laughed My ass off when Dana told the Fighter's not to say "fuck" on public, he's really a Bald Meathead Hypocrite

cunt punt?

and dude...you dont know how to get hits...let me show you how its done


somebody is mad... He should've called her Loretta Cunt... would have been classic!

Who the hell is Loretta Hunt anyway?

uedamasa - I think He's a Homo on trying to take on a female , like he's pulling a Chris Brown thing..i laughed My ass off when Dana told the Fighter's not to say "fuck" on public, he's really a Bald Meathead Hypocrite

 Sometimes a bitch needs to be put in her place. If bitches knew how to behave god wouldnt have invented womens shelters.

 well damn

lol holy shit at his message to loretta

And this man is representing our sport. Sad.

Loretta is the best at what she does its no wonder the baldfather is angry

Fugazi - Who the hell is Loretta Hunt anyway?

She's a writer on Sherdog.com

Loretta we still <3 you.

although i will say i am becoming quite fond of cagepotato

are you people men? or 23 year old girls? the amount of bitching and crying about Dana White is almost laughable

Roid Rage!!....Dana is saying he stayed off on Rampage's business matter? how about when he had a heated argument with Juanito regarding the way him handling Rampage's career, Dana's a Total Liar