Who wins? How?
Conventional wisdom says Joe steamrolls but Dana once fought off a Tito Ortiz neck crank and Joe is no where near that strong or big, and has eluded to be scared to get in the Octagon.
Does Dana win in any scenario?
Who wins? How?
Conventional wisdom says Joe steamrolls but Dana once fought off a Tito Ortiz neck crank and Joe is no where near that strong or big, and has eluded to be scared to get in the Octagon.
Does Dana win in any scenario?
this is dumb as shit but so am I so I'll bite.
Dana apparently was quite good at boxing. not pro but pretty good and trained with good guys back in the day.
So lets give the boxing edge to Dana.
Rogan takes seteroids, was a taekwondo state hampion still trains alot and obviously his biggest credential is he has 2 count em 2 bjj black belts
one under machado and one under bravo
Id say joe is significantly stronger than dana not that dana is some weakling but joe is a fucking gorrila for a guy his size.
Honestly its joe all day and I can't really see it any other way.
But would you watch?
James Franco -But would you watch?
I'm being dead serious when I say this.
Rogan vs Dana does well over 1.5 million buys maybe over 2 million
You bet your sweet ass I'd watch that fight
watahhh -James Franco -But would you watch?
I'm being dead serious when I say this.
Rogan vs Dana does well over 1.5 million buys maybe over 2 million
You bet your sweet ass I'd watch that fight
I agree. This is the biggest fight UFC could make that doesn't include Conor
Rogan is a midget last consistently trained in striking over 30 years ago when he was a teenager (yes I know he occasional hits the stationary bag).
Even with all of Joe's injuries, he fucks Dana uo any way he wants. Until I actually see something slightly physically impressive from Dana I cant say he has a shot in hell. Not even with boxing. Is he even belted in BJJ?
Dana is too much of a mystery athlete to me to suggest he has a chance at beating up anyone that's as strong, fast and varied with their training as Joe is.
Dana wouldnt even jump off a cliff, what makes you think he would fight Joe in mma?
Kings21 -Even with all of Joe's injuries, he fucks Dana uo any way he wants. Until I actually see something slightly physically impressive from Dana I cant say he has a shot in hell. Not even with boxing. Is he even belted in BJJ?
Dana is too much of a mystery athlete to me to suggest he has a chance at beating up anyone that's as strong, fast and varied with their training as Joe is.
Pretty sure Dana has kept up with boxing training, does private bjj lessons with elite bjj guys and lifts almost daily. I could be wrong but that's what ice remembered from tidbits of info over the yrs. His ground game might actually surprise
Joe all day.
An aside, does anyone think it’s funny how both Joe and Dana started in this sport as pretty much skinny guys and now they’re both jacked? Just an observation. I’m not going to mention Dana’s teeth, though.
They're not the same man?
Does Joe still train regularly? I remember him saying years back that he had not been tapped in ages, which made me think he only gets into competitions he knows he can win, which has since been verified many times over (sober October etc.)
The fans win this one!
I’d watch, but something tells me Joe Rogan would bow down for the boss. It would never carry the energy necessary to be how we envision it going down. There’s no animosity there. Joe isn’t going to try to hurt Dana. I’d rather see Scott Coker or Ray Sefo vs Dana...lol
It would look like Houston Alexander vs Kimbo (RIP).
Outlaw’d by Lytle -It would look like Houston Alexander vs Kimbo (RIP).
Lmao. Dana is Houston tight?
Joes tough but hes not a fighter. Dana is a real fighter. He even beat the shit out of Tito ortiz before. It wouldn't even be close.
The first leg kick Joe lands will end the fight.
Rogan wins 1st rnd TKO/injury
Rogan has significantly harder kicks than Joe fuckin Schilling.
If you think danas gonna take one of those really anywhere and not crumble immediately I don't know what to tell ya.