Dana's reaction close up.

From an economical standpoint, it benefits them the most to have GSP as their champ. He is the UFC's biggest draw. Most people would not care nearly as much about Johny.

I'm well aware of Lorenzo's background. No such thing as enough money to the top businessmen of the world.

A rematch will sell like a mofo. They'll do fine.

P.S. Nice chinstrap beard thing on Laimon. Almost didn't recognize him lol. So are he and Serra gonna roll now?

alley -
California - he's a money man. probably glad to see his golden goose survive the onslaught with a miracle W to boot. thank you Jesus! :)

As a money man he'd like the crown to pass on to a new champion. He knows GSP's days are numbered. If GSP goes out on top it tarnishes the legitimacy of the new champion, since the "real" champ is still out there somewhere. But if someone beats GSP, they're the new king and can be hyped as the best.
Not so sure on this with condit lurking and arguably beating johny. Last thing he needs is another 205 division after chuck and before JJ with the belt passed over every fight. Phone Post 3.0

Lol. Mine was similar, except I was screaming at the ceiling. Lol @ Lorenzo's look of frustration. 

Hocky Balboa - 
California - what was the dealio with Johny's shirt? wtf was that thing? looks like something he sowed together in the back to calm his nerves before the fight.

It's a "Gordon Gartrell."


Lisa Bonet sowed it for him.


but DAAAAAAAAAAAD....whycome everyone else in school get to have a Gordon Gartrell?????????

Remember when Eddie won back the belt in Bellator and Dana was shitting all over Bjorn?...Karma

iShatswhenWeidmanBassoondSilva - Lorenzo's all zero fucks given.
Awesome Phone Post 3.0