DANGERS of POT: why Nick Diaz got 5years ban!

CDC/Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report


Report: Marijuana-related traffic deaths rise in Colorado


In Phone Post 3.0

dirMD -


Teen dies after smoking synthetic marijuana; parents warn others


Moving the goalposts I see. Synthetic MJ is not MJ Phone Post 3.0

I'm going to have a seat over here, don't wanna miss the dirmd train wreck. Phone Post 3.0

I must not be high enough!!! Phone Post 3.0

TFK_Vulva Fabulous - 
dirMD -


Teen dies after smoking synthetic marijuana; parents warn others


Moving the goalposts I see. Synthetic MJ is not MJ Phone Post 3.0

I laughed my ass off when reading the story because it's so stupid

TFK Odin's Fleshlight - 

You have no room to laugh at stupid shit Dr Derp. You're a fuckin cock sucking moran that needs to buy the Rosetta Stone for Bolivia cuz thats where you're going. Phone Post

Study Shows Heavy Adolescent Pot Use Permanently Lowers IQ


pushZIGGLER - First and foremost, Michael Savage is not a fucking doctor- he is a nutritionist. My sister in law is a nutritionist! She would never tell me to smoke bud or drink alcohol. Second, he is a Ultra-Neo-Conservative fuck head. He is simply spewing a political agenda and gets paid for it. I'm okay with him making his paper, but he is not a credible source nor a respected doctor. I'm no fucking liberal (rather a Libertarian), but this should close the book in the troll OP and this forgettable thread. Eat a dick you fucking wuss Phone Post 3.0

He has an actual PH.D from University of Califronia Berkely  (one of the hardest Universities in the world to get into) and his dissertation was good enough to be published. Just because your sister in law took some classes doesn't mean she's the same legue as someone with a doctorate degree let alone a Ph.D from a top ten university in the world.

He's an inependant conservative, try and use the right  terminoligy when trying to diminish someone. You're right, you're not a liberal because Jefferson was a liberal; you're a neo liberal aka socialist -that's all

Most of the best weed is grown hydroponically, so none of this shit is true really. Volcanic soil - go fuck yourself, We grow in rock wool and control exactly what's in the weed.

dirMD -

Doctor Michael Savage  -Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in nutritional ethnomedicine (1978)

This Dr. Micheal Savage is also the same guy who started Rockstar energy drinks. Phone Post 3.0

Barnicale Bill - 
dirMD -

Doctor Michael Savage  -Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in nutritional ethnomedicine (1978)

This Dr. Micheal Savage is also the same guy who started Rockstar energy drinks. Phone Post 3.0

That's his son who started the company and became a billioniar.

There u have it...he is a phd
..he must know important stuff.. Phone Post 3.0


better video Skeeter.

dirMD -
TFK Odin's Fleshlight - 

You have no room to laugh at stupid shit Dr Derp. You're a fuckin cock sucking moran that needs to buy the Rosetta Stone for Bolivia cuz thats where you're going. Phone Post

Study Shows Heavy Adolescent Pot Use Permanently Lowers IQ


Ok Doc...if it's your goal to post biased articles and supposed scientific data, you've succeeded. I won't even watch that video you posted. What is your agenda here? What would you like to discuss specifically, rather than quoting shit you know nothing about?

There can be bullshit articles and documentaries posted favoring either side. Phone Post 3.0

I'm high right now as I write this ...

Coincidence. ??? Phone Post 3.0

dirMD - 
ImOldGreg - 
dirMD -
ImOldGreg - 
dirMD -
Brigham - Jesus Christ this shit is fuckin dumb. I don't smoke weed at all and I know this is just absolute shit Phone Post 3.0


Modern Marijuana Is Often Laced With Heavy Metals and Fungus


How Marijuana Suppresses The Immune System


24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America


I am far too pre occupied by college football to find and link them, but since your at it, please search for current research that show many positives that you have not mentioned.

Reduces risk of bladder cancer

Does not cause lung cancer

Is beginning human trials vs glioblastoma

A neuro protectant. Roles in reducing destruction in TBI.

And of course things like attributed deaths, overall risk factor compared to other substances, etc. should be carefully looked at.
Have a great evening man.
:-) Phone Post 3.0

'More tar' in cannabis than cigarettes


Lol, WTF was that? A fucking editorial. Look at actual research. And please stick to large retrospective studies that can have actual controls Phone Post 3.0



University of Washington -Respiratory Effects of Marijuana

Respiratory Effects of Marijuana

Respiratory Effects of Marijuana


"Risk of respiratory effects from inhaling marijuana smoke are heightened by the more intensive way in which marijuana is smoked -- when smoking marijuana compared to tobacco, there is a prolonged and deeper inhalation and it is smoked to a shorter butt length and at a higher combustion temperature. This results in approximately 5 times the carbon monoxide concentration, 3 times the tar, and the retention of one-third more tar in the respiratory tract."

I guess this is what you were referring to?

Notice it also carries all those conditions? If they are comparing an entire single cigarette to an entire single joint and it is smoked exactly like they say, perhaps, but most of the pot smokers I know smoke relatively little compared to the cig smokers that need one every hour two all day long.

dirMD -

00:19 Toxic Chemicals in Marijuana & why the Diaz Bros can't barely put sentences together. One of the reasons why Joe Rogan is suffering from long term memory loss.

03:34 TCH effects on the Body -Why Nick Diaz fails drug tests

06:22 Marijuana effects on the Immune System & other toxins -Why Athletes should think twice when smoking pot

09:00 Marijuana increases testosterone in females, maybe why honda likes it??

09:59 Facts about Marijuana Production & it's effects on the environment -Joe Rogan needs to pay attention to this one especially when he claims pot is enviromentally friendly

16:49 Marijuana's effects on great minds & the main reason why Diaz Got banned -he's corrupting young minds;

Go back to school... Phone Post 3.0

dirMD -
Brigham - Jesus Christ this shit is fuckin dumb. I don't smoke weed at all and I know this is just absolute shit Phone Post 3.0


Modern Marijuana Is Often Laced With Heavy Metals and Fungus


How Marijuana Suppresses The Immune System


24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America


There is some truth to the heavy metal thing. I have a viscous metallic material embedded in my right vocal chord, almost tattooed. I've had multiple surgeries and doctors still can't remove it or tell me exactly how it got there. Process of elimination/Occum's Razor suggests I got it from the copious amounts of marijuana and THC related things I use. My most recent surgeon said that maybe I got it from a pipe screen, I figured it was probably from a nail, but this article has me thinking.

I've been in constant pain every minute of my life for over a year now. The surgeons say that the metal might not even be what is causing me pain, that it might be a red herring/insane coincidence. After exhausting all his medicinal capabilities, he suggested I go to a neurologist and a psychiatrist. I can't help but think the metal stuck in my vocal chord is the cause of the pain though. If smoking pot was the cause of this, I can tell you that it certainly wasn't worth it. Phone Post 3.0

PoopDooper -
dirMD -
Brigham - Jesus Christ this shit is fuckin dumb. I don't smoke weed at all and I know this is just absolute shit Phone Post 3.0


Modern Marijuana Is Often Laced With Heavy Metals and Fungus


How Marijuana Suppresses The Immune System


24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America


There is some truth to the heavy metal thing. I have a viscous metallic material embedded in my right vocal chord, almost tattooed. I've had multiple surgeries and doctors still can't remove it or tell me exactly how it got there. Process of elimination/Occum's Razor suggests I got it from the copious amounts of marijuana and THC related things I use. My most recent surgeon said that maybe I got it from a pipe screen, I figured it was probably from a nail, but this article has me thinking.

I've been in constant pain every minute of my life for over a year now. The surgeons say that the metal might not even be what is causing me pain, that it might be a red herring/insane coincidence. After exhausting all his medicinal capabilities, he suggested I go to a neurologist and a psychiatrist. I can't help but think the metal stuck in my vocal chord is the cause of the pain though. If smoking pot was the cause of this, I can tell you that it certainly wasn't worth it. Phone Post 3.0
I bet that voice is sexy as fuck though! Phone Post 3.0