Good behind the desk but can we keep him out of cage side commentary. Cringe worthy on a few occasions in my opinion
I've actually been enjoying his insight tonight. Very knowledgeable
His nose sounds plugged like he has a cold or a nose full of coke but he's too fat to be a cokehead.
NBKfanforlife -His nose sounds plugged like he has a cold or a nose full of coke but he's too fat to be a cokehead.
Lol one of the biggest coke heads I know is fat.
He did say "leg kick to the body".
But, meh. Not hatin
Great commentating
Cormier is 2nd class. Just ask JBJ
I think he's been pretty good.
Decent insight but not very good on the fly.
Fighters shouldnt be calling fights. Too much of a chance to be bias.
Im guessing cock holster boy is a mcnut hugger
Was he just caught on a hot mic saying "fuck that guy"?
Fuck that guy.
perfy - Was he just caught on a hot mic saying "fuck that guy"?
Hot Mic vol. 2
perfy - Was he just caught on a hot mic saying "fuck that guy"?
Yes he was. Lol
Sounded that way to me. Cormier tries his best to act professional but just rubs me the wrong way. Too stuck on himself and his team.
TFK_MrSmiff -NBKfanforlife -His nose sounds plugged like he has a cold or a nose full of coke but he's too fat to be a cokehead.
Lol one of the biggest coke heads I know is fat.
No doubt. What was I thinking. One of the biggest cokeheads that I freaking know is a fat ass lol.
Dont want his personal opinion because it is bias. Just want analysis. That is what the job entails
perfy - Was he just caught on a hot mic saying "fuck that guy"?Shit...when?
NBKfanforlife -His nose sounds plugged like he has a cold or a nose full of coke but he's too fat to be a cokehead.
Ever heard of a guy named Joey Diaz?