Danny Ives vs. Bob Schirmer???

Despite the overwhelming support, Danny is a humble athlete and is training hard, as always, for this match. His technique is insane...

"Danny is a humble athlete and is training hard, as always, for this match."Hess, you know I LOVE you and all, but come on...humble? LOL!!!Ps. 195? ;)

Ives again


Alright Ron you may have got me on that one. As for 195, imagine Chris Farley wearing a gi... that's who i've been training with!!! LOL

ttt for Chris Farley :)

is that the guy from Friends?

I saw Bob without his shirt on 2 weeks ago, the guy is stacked. I would be very hesitant before I called him an old man.

I will be in there

ttt for Danny

Yeah, I didn't notice the names on the home page, duh to me!

Bob is tough as hell and is in shape as any 20 year old that you know.

He puts Shonie (Carter) in his place. Not to dog Shonie, cause Shonie's tops. That just shows that Bob is still a tough competitor and teacher. Besides how many 40 year olds compete and against great up and coming talent, especially Danny Ives. Thats just to show that Bob hasn't lost his touch, to even be given a chance to compete by Kipp shows you something. Trust me it will be a great match to watch. You ask Shonie I'm sure he will agree.

Never bet against Master Bob!

Danny is a awsome guy; but always go with Devil Dog!

ttt for Chris Farley :)

never bet against ives. he has been quiet for a while and this will be his re ignition and i know he has plenty of support from the east coast. So ttt for dan. KROD

ha get real dude ives will manhandle this dude.


TTT for Ives

P.S. ...195? He's been lifting a bit I take it?

"195? He's been lifting a bit I take it?"


Ron, Lol @ the Chris Farley comment.