Dear Felow Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Enthusiats,
Thank you for taking the time review this letter and allowing me intoduce myself.
My name is Marcello C. Monteiro "Monteirao", and I have recently relocated from Brazil to Indianapolis, Indiana to share my love of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with the world.
As a Black Belt Instructor under the legendary Ricardo De La Riva, I have been fortunate to learn Jiu Jitsu from some of the world`s best coaches and to train with the world`s greatest fighters like the Nogueira Brother`s. Now I feel it is time to share the very best in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with everyone.
That is why I am personally inviting you to new concept in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminars unlike anyone has ever see before. My teacher De La Riva and I are proud to announce the " Chess On The Mat" BJJ Seminars.
Over the two days of intense training you will learn some of the most effective and advanced Brazilian Jiu Jitsu available.
De La Riva will teach his famous guard game with details and explainations on how to make it easier to apply. I will counter his positions and show how to domidate the opponent, and then he will reveal the escapes and strategies to put me in a bad position. This will truly explain how the jiu jitsu fighting really happens with nothing left out.
Everyone from White Belts to Black Belts will enjoy the masterful teaching and fantastic techniques of De La Riva and myself. This seminar is designed to elevate your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu game to a whole new level.
Encloded is a seminar flyer with more informations on De La Riva and myself, tuition schedule and registration form. Instructors bringing 4 students can come half price; bring 6 or more and come for free !
I am very exited to share with you the secrets of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
See you on the Mat !
Marcello C. Monteiro "Monteirao"
P.S. This seminar is open to all students of BJJ regardless of affiliation. Our goal is to spread goodwill the BJJ community by sharing our techiniques and making everyone`s level grow fast !
Indiana Seminar Schedule
Saturday March 20th, 2004
12:00-3:00 PM
Ring Sports
340 S. Mitthoeffer Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46229
Contact: Marcello C. Monteiro
317-5385593 or 317-890-1033
Due to space restrictions, this seminar will have a limited number of participants so please Pre-register early.
I do not get to come to the United States very often, and I am really exited about the trip.
I want to see everyone from all schools support BJJ and share our love of the game. Please save the dates in March and come see me so we can train Jiu Jitsu together.
I want to tell everyone that I will share all the details that make my BJJ game work. Nothing will be held back and you will have two good coaches to watch you and make sure that you learn the right way.
I guaranee that your BJJ game will grow and we will have a lot of fun !
See you on the mat,
Ricardo De La Riva
Prices? I really want to attend!