Dealing with punches from guard

How does one deal with your opponent punching down on you from your guard.
Any strategy or techniques would be appreciated.

A few ways, pull him down by basically doing a crunch with your abs bringing your knees over your shoulders, this will bring him forward, then overhook and under hook his arms. The other is to back away possibly going to knees then shoot the legs. The last one is to sweep as hard as you can and attack his base heaps. In theory if he is trying to keep base and not get swept, he shouldn't be able to throw punches at the same time.
Also depends on whether it's gi or no gi as well.

I like this one from Royce: Use the front of your knees and upper shins to block the front of the biceps, and cup your hands over their upper arms. It is VERY tiring to punch against this setup, and it leads to a cool armlock after they get tired. Just try some drills punching and blocking like this.

I'm trying to picture the position, so is my right leg now under my opponent, on the ground, when I touch knee to elbow ?

I've worked that position just once, I'll try it tonight and see how it works.

what do you mean by 'base heaps' ?


You block them with your nose!!!

I'm already a master at that !
thanks anyway.

Thanks, I'll try that out.

by base I mean his balance and the tools he needs for base e.g. his legs, his centre of gravity and twisting his shoulders. Oh yeah, forgot "heaps" is Aussie slang for alot.

"I like this one from Royce: Use the front of your knees and upper shins to block the front of the biceps, and cup your hands over their upper arms. It is VERY tiring to punch against this setup, and it leads to a cool armlock after they get tired. Just try some drills punching and blocking like this."

this method is excellent if you lose control of their head/arms.

Control your opponensts biceps.

It seems that everyone forgot to tell him to hide his head next to the guys head that's in his guard. If you hide yoor head while trapping his arms then he shouldn't be able to hit you. What I mean by hide the head is to get your head up next to his cheek to cheek. You'll need to have strong abs to hold all these positions for a while.

Tried your position last night and ot worked well.

Thanks for that tip, I'll keep it in mind.

I asked my instructor about it and he said that we would work on dealing with punches at tomorrows practice.

link Don't keep closed guard on someone with posture. If he sits up, you sit up. If he stands up, look for a leglock.