Decent lifting program?

pull-ups/chin-ups (will eventually transition to wide-gripped and weighted pulls/chins).

dips (will transititon to weighted dips).

heavy-sandbag-on-the-shoulder squats and heavy sandbag "Zercher" squats (alternating between days).

heavy sandbag bench.

bearhug walk for distance with heavy sandbag.

I'm going to be adding some stuff like Cleans and Turkish Get-Ups when I get two smaller one-handed sandbags.

I might also add deadlifts.

anything else I should add?

Rob, how do you plan to implement these lifts into your weekly training training routine?

I do this (or plan to do this, some of these I haven't started yet) 3 times a week. I do sprints at about 12 and lifting around 6-8pm.

I only train twice a week, less when I have something to study for like a test the day after the workout (workouts are at night)

Day 1:

-Bag C&P alternated w/Chins


-Bag Deads

-"Zercher" (or hug sandbag) Duck Walks

Day 2:

-Bag Bench (or you could put a smaller bag on your back for weighted push-ups)

-Single Bag Raise/Rows

-Bag Shoulder & Squats

-Bag Bear Hug Walk

Heavy weight - many sets (8-20) - low reps (1-3)

Just an example. Hope that helps some...

Wiggy -

What is your reason for training? What are your goals?

Absolute strength, strength-speed, speed-strength, flexability, muscular endurance, lactic acid tolerance,power, weight gain, weight loss, to name but a few possibilities.

You shouldn't start any routine unless your specific goals are clearly stated, less you waste your time and recovery abilities on useless motion.

Feel free to respond here or on my e-mail at

I use an old punching bag and do lunges and different throws with it.

"What is your reason for training? What are your goals?

Absolute strength, strength-speed, speed-strength, flexability, muscular endurance, lactic acid tolerance,power, weight gain, weight loss, to name but a few possibilities."

  1. Weight (specifically FAT) loss/muscle maintainance or gain. This is really mostly so I can perform better on 2, it's just the highest priority right now.

  2. Sport-specific and general conditioning for MMA-type sports, with an emphasis on grappling but striking also done as well.

  3. general strength development, i.e. being able to lift heavier objects for longer when doing yardwork, house moving, etc.

  4. looking better/more muscular physically... this is the lowest priority, but if I'm losing weight and spending plenty of time working out it would be nice if I had fairly obvious muscles and it would be clear that I am "fit" and "cut".

I'm not interested in looking like a roided-up bodybuilder.

again, this is the lowest priority, I might fit in some time doing benches and curls and other "pretty" exercises but I'm not interested in letting it interfere with the above 3 goals.. those have precedence.

"You shouldn't start any routine unless your specific goals are clearly stated, less you waste your time and recovery abilities on useless motion."

well, I've got plenty of spare time to do this routine with.

so any gains will be better than NO gains.

ttt for the last time