Deep half or 50/50? Which is more popular 2day?

deep half blows!!. Its like last line of defense.

I've seen a load of DHG sweeps in mma these past few years. Almost everytime I've seen somebody try it in mma, they have got the sweep.

Zak Makovsky (who just won in the UFC) uses a lot of OLX and full X-guard in his fights.

TrevorRice - deep half blows!!. Its like last line of defense.

Well Leo Viera certainly seemed to be having some trouble with Jeff Glover's "last line of defense" then...

Ryan Hall would disagree pretty emphatically with you as well.

TrevorRice - deep half blows!!. Its like last line of defense.

If you just hug the leg like a koala, sure. If you use the knee-in waiter sweep or a butterfly hook, however (or a dominant lapel grip à la Faria), it becomes a different story IMO. As long as you control the distance somehow, it's pretty powerful.

Galvao still uses it also. I believe last year he swept Rodolfo with his DHG.

ok, let me rephrase "my DEEP half guard blows"- lol.

btw-I prefer the way EddieBravo, LucasLeite, Gordo of half guard(deep underhook- coming to knees ,etc).

TrevorRice - ok, let me rephrase "my DEEP half guard blows"- lol.

btw-I prefer the way EddieBravo, LucasLeite, Gordo of half guard(deep underhook- coming to knees ,etc).

IMO Galvão has the perfect half guard game. He plays long distance half or reverse DLR, setting up Leite style underhook sweeps, deep half, tornado sweeps/kiss of the dragon or butterfly hook sweeps, all according to the situation. That's the game I try to emulate.