Des Moines GET READY!!!!!!!!!!

Why doesnt Josh have a Green name ?

Josh I have some fighters if you need any for your events.

Brad Kenealy

"Why doesnt Josh have a Green name ?"

I'm guessing b/c he hasn't e-mailed Kirik to do it.

If he knew the good porn on tapout he would do it in a second. Get your green anme to badmouth Fulton, stay a green name for Tapuot.

3 more days and counting. We will be coming out thursday evening to get the party going!!!!

3 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how many more days now foxfire?

I have seen the Warfrog drunk and it is not a pretty site. All I can say is " Puke, Puke, Puke, etc." The Wartadpole had to sleep in Halversons truck through the victory show.

p.s. cut your fucking hair.

get back under the table mach, you know where you belong.