DFW really, really, dislikes the guy at Showtime

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                                DFW really, really, really dislikes the guy at Showtime

                        <a href="White really, really, really dislikes the guys at Showtime" ><img class="photo" src="http://img.mixedmartialarts.com/method=get&rs=100&q=75&x=22&y=81&w=310&h=165&ro=0&s=dana-white.jpg" /></a>

                            <strong class="ArticleSource">[mmajunkie.com]</strong>

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"I really, really, really dislike these guys at Showtime. I really dislike them."

"We're going to fight until somebody goes away. Believe me when I tell you it's going to be them."

"I don't dislike Scott Coker. Unfortunately, Scott's caught in the middle of this thing."

"The guys at Showtime – and I shouldn't even say 'the guys' – there's a guy there, and he's a [expletive]. I don't like him, and you guys know how I am. So, it is what it is, and unfortunately Scott's caught in the middle."

"I never, ever said I was doing an April 17 show. People asked me questions, and I said, 'Hmm, that's interesting.' I played a little bit. What you guys have got to understand sometimes is these guys consider themselves a competitor, and I like to compete, so I can't always tell you guys exactly what I'm doing and what I'm thinking and what's going to go on."

"This isn't a thing about whether it's good or bad. This is a fight. They started the fight with me. I didn't start the fight; they did. And you know how I get, and that's really what it's all about. I actually think there should be more (MMA) on TV. It's all good stuff. It's good for everybody."

"Actually last night, I hung out with Sven Bean. The guy has been promoting forever and been doing shows [in Colorado]. Guys that are good promoters and do their thing, I respect them. That's why you don't hear me say stuff about Coker."

"Coker ran some good shows and has done some good things in his career. I think that when this whole thing implodes that Coker will be back up in his hometown putting on shows and making money like he always did."

Read entire article...



Dana is such a little bitch.  

Interesting that he seems to think Coker's not really in charge of things at all.

Misleading thread title. You missed one of the "reallys."

 Dana knows that other promotions are good for the UFC. he just doesn't want to see them eclipse him. No shame there.

Funny how Dana essentially admits that he has no problem lying to the media just to be a shit disturber, yet these same media members have no problem continuing to publish his retarded carny antics verbatim as if it is substantive information. The average MMA media member is more of a mark than the average UGer, if you can believe it