This interview has CTE written all over it.
No it does not. Diego has always been eccentric like that before he was taking strikes to the head. He was undefeated on TUF and completely crazy then too. Remember he started his career 17-0. He is the TUF 1 Champion.
There's no doubt he has brain damage after all the beatings he's taken but I agree with CRE, he's always been eccentric like that.
CRE -No it does not. Diego has always been eccentric like that before he was taking strikes to the head. He was undefeated on TUF and completely crazy then too. Remember he started his career 17-0. He is the TUF 1 Champion.
I miss bulky Diego. His fight with Ellenberger was a war where Diego took control in the third but still lost because the fight was only 3 rds despite being the main event. It was this fight after which they made any main event 5 rds even if not for the title.
And obligatory
Eccentric Diego is GOAT
If Diego Sanchez were Biego Sanchez, his name would contain the word gazebo.
CRE -No it does not. Diego has always been eccentric like that before he was taking strikes to the head. He was undefeated on TUF and completely crazy then too. Remember he started his career 17-0. He is the TUF 1 Champion.
Diego is one of a kind. I have been rooting for him since TUF . When he is done it will be bittersweet .
Sadly, this thread's title would've also been accurate a decade ago.
2JupitersTooMany -If Diego Sanchez were Biego Sanchez, his name would contain the word gazebo.
I can confirm this
Hocky -Sadly, this thread's title would've also been accurate a decade ago.
2JupitersTooMany -If Diego Sanchez were Biego Sanchez, his name would contain the word gazebo.
Gazebo, eh? Perhaps a mental health SCREENING would be in order?
Still pertinent to the OP! Good call, Jupes!
2JupitersTooMany -If Diego Sanchez were Biego Sanchez, his name would contain the word gazebo.
If you rearrange the letters of his actual name you can get: Dance Size Hog
No idea what that means, but I'm guessing it would make him a favorite of OGers.
Hocky -Sadly, this thread's title would've also been accurate a decade ago.
He was born with CTE
You also can't spell Diego Sanchez without Genocide. But more importantly, without Diagnose and Codeine.
(does 14 cycles of sauna and shower in a row with 20 other guys living in the house using the same bathroom)
Also, didn’t he change his name from the nightmare, to the dream? Then changed it back to the nightmare for his fight with Mickey Gallbladder?
Didn’t lightning storms give him power too?
solidsnake - (does 14 cycles of sauna and shower in a row with 20 other guys living in the house using the same bathroom)YES! YES! YES!
Also, didn’t he change his name from the nightmare, to the dream? Then changed it back to the nightmare for his fight with Mickey Gallbladder?
Didn’t lightning storms give him power too?
A guy who changes his name from nightmare to dream and then back to nightmare to fight a gallbladder can't not be special.
i saw the sun come up with diego a few times. hes always been a very interesting guy.