After doing the diet for 10 months, I went to the dentist again. She noticed a huge difference in my gums and I felt a big difference. In the past, when the dentist did the scaling during my cleanings, my gums would bleed and my gums would have a throbbing feeling after the cleaning for a few hours. The dentist said that my gums did not bleed during the scaling like they used to and I noticed that I did not have the throbbing feeling afterwards.
My dentist look at an x-ray of a tooth that had a old filling. She said the x-ray showed that I had decay under the old filling and she wanted to replace the filling and take out the decay. She said that if the decay was too deep, I may need a root canal. I thought that it was highly improbable that I would have any decay in my body with the diet that I was on and I had no pain. So, I later got a second opinion. I went to another dentist who took a digital x-ray of that tooth. It was amazing how much clearer the digital x-ray was. He said there was absolutely no decay in my tooth and my filling was totally fine.
By the way, when my family and I go to the dentist for cleanings now, we ask to only have the scaling done- no polishing or flouride. My dentist said that was totally fine since our teeth were good. She said that they do flouride and polishing because most people aren't willing to eat like we eat.
Though I had great results with this diet, I still felt like something was a little off in my diet. I had really dry chapped lips and a small localized patch of dry skin on another part of my body. I researched it and felt it was due to not enough fat, however, even when I dramatically increased the amount of avocado and olive oil I consumed, it didn't go away. In addition, my youngest son had very dry skin on his cheeks and that didn't seem to be going away.
So I consulted a book on the Primal Diet. I tried the advice in the book and started to eat raw butter and raw cheese. Very soon, the localized dryness went away. I tried raw milk, but that gave me gas, so I didn't continue with that. The raw butter and cheese had no negative effect on me. This was interesting because I ate regular butter after being on the Wai Diet for 2 weeks and it gave the horrible shits. My youngest son started to consume raw whole milk and raw creme, in addition to raw butter and raw cheese. The dryness on his cheeks also disappeared after that.
Raw unheated honey was also a big part of the Primal Diet, so I also added that. I noticed that something in my body really changed after comsuming that. Very soon after, I noticed that I was able to consume my higher levels of raw protein without getting pimples. Since I also got local raw unheated honey that was from bees within a 50 radius of where I live, I noticed a that the allergies that I had from pollen was gone.
So basically, I am now doing a blend of the Wai Diet and Primal Diet.
The thing is that I am constantly trying to improve various aspects of my life and diet is not the only thing I have made changes with. So when I see improvements in training, it is difficult for me to say whether it was attributed to one thing or another or a combination of things. Personally, I would attribute improvements to a combination of things. For example, I can definitely feel that I am getting stronger at a very noticeable rate. However, is this strength increase due to me becoming more muscularly balanced because of my MBF programs or because of diet? I think it is both. I also feel much more mentally calm now. Is it because of the raw animal fat added into my diet causing greater stabilization of my blood sugar or because of some self-reflection and psycho-analysis I have done on myself? I think it's both.
Keep in mind that when it comes to diet, I look at my body as a whole. I feel that if your diet is good, all aspects of your health, life, and training, should have some improvement. I do not just look at BJJ, strength, and endurance as the measure of a good diet. For example, I wouldn't do a diet that made me feel stronger, but gave me cavities.