Discovered how to extend my cellphone battery life

I deleted my FaceBook account. Phone Post 3.0

If you have lurked the HG for any period of time longer than a week, you know what a Social Media attention whore I am. This was a big deal for me.

How will I cope people ask?


Time to invest in a blue name again. Phone Post 3.0

No more Breaking Bad and now no JimJen Show? wtf?

Nice! Best decision i ever made was get rid of that life sucking, censoring terd! Now only work sucksthe life out of me...

The JimmyNaks show (with occasional guest appearances by JimJen) is on temporary hiatus.

The HG will now have my full attention. So.....
Guess maybe not such a battery saver after all. Phone Post 3.0

MOB U2 - Sweet Jesus noooo. You're probably 85% of the reason why I keep that thing. Like right now my newsfeeds are blowing up with people incensed about gay marriage. Seriously I don't give a fuck. I wanna hear the latest fucktard that tried to mess with J 'Muthafuckin' Naks and got sat down. Hell I barely come on here, but usually when I do something awesome is always up.

Anyway, I might delete mines too then and just keep the professional one I have for work media and advertisements.

The JimmyNaks show is still on Instagram but the HG gets the uncensored version. Phone Post 3.0

Lol I drew the line at FB...I do not instagram or ever seen a twitter or anything else.

IG is another big time suck, but I need an outlet for the voices in my head or I'll explode Phone Post 3.0

Ahhhh, I just got back from FB and saw an incredible video of a man looking down the barrel of a 12 gauge that misfired...well it eventually fires! Hilarity ensues! Thank you FB.

Jerk!! Phone Post 3.0

I'll just go to Worldstar to watch idiots beng idiots Phone Post 3.0

I have a 4 url limit that I allow my computer to go to.

I hope Redtube is one of them Phone Post 3.0

Pornhub, tube8, and youporn the other 3?

Dang, how do you guys stay ahead of viruses? After losing my last two computers despite having the best possible antiviruses, I don't even go within a hundred miles of a site that may on the off chance contain some titties.

Matbattle dot com Phone Post 3.0

Moke - Dang, how do you guys stay ahead of viruses? After losing my last two computers despite having the best possible antiviruses, I don't even go within a hundred miles of a site that may on the off chance contain some titties.

Linux my friend!

JIMMYNAKS - IG is another big time suck, but I need an outlet for the voices in my head or I'll explode Phone Post 3.0

my goal is to someday get "turned in" for inappropriate messages i rant about on any social media site. the day taht happens, i will withdraw to solitude completely.


i will perfect the t virus.



Plans sounds like it needs a delivery system.
Hello. Phone Post 3.0