
So we have 155lbs, 170lbs, 185lbs, 205lbs, and HW.

Should there be a superheavyweight division?

In FLA at the AFC, we used a 225 lb and 265 lb, though we never had a +265 lb.

I kind of feel like the 225 div is great, because a guy 210 and a guy 260 just isnt a great match in most cases...

So perhaps a division between LHW and HW?


Nevada offcially recognizes 265 as the limit for Heavyweight.

I was surprised at the range of HW when it came out originally, given that it went from 15 pounds (MW) to 20 pounds (LHW) to 60 pounds (HW).

I would've expected a cruiserweight cut off at 230 or something.