Do black people have longer reach?

StretchPlum - Pretty obvious, but here's a 2010 study.

The study, just published in the International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, starts with a puzzle about racing sports: “More and more, the winning runners are black athletes, particularly of West African origin, and the winning swimmers are white. More and more, the world finalists in sprint are black and in swimming are white.”

The authors–Edward Jones of Howard University and Adrian Bejan and Jordan Charles of Duke University–attribute the two trends to a common factor: center of gravity. They explain:

Anthropometric measurements of large populations show that systematic differences exist among blacks, whites and Asians. The published evidence is MASSIVE: blacks have longer limbs than whites, and because blacks have longer legs and smaller circumferences (e.g. calves and arms), their center of mass is higher than that in other individuals of the same height. Asians and whites have longer torsos, therefore their centers of mass are lower.

These structural differences, they argue, generate differences in performance. Using equations about the physics of locomotion, they analyze racing as a process of falling forward. Based on this analysis, they conclude that having a higher center of body mass in a standing position is advantageous in running but disadvantageous in swimming.

Drawing on data from 17 groups of soldiers around the world, the authors note that in terms of upper body length, “the measurements of the group of blacks fall well below those of the other groups. Their average sitting height (87.5 cm) is 3 cm shorter than the average sitting height of the group of men with the same average height (172 cm).” From this, they calculate that “the dimension that dictates the speed in running (L1) is 3.7 percent greater in blacks than in whites. At the same time, the dimension that governs speed in swimming is 3.5 percent greater in whites than in blacks.”

Measurements of women suggest a similar pattern:

[U]pper- and lower-extremity bone lengths are significantly longer in adult black females than in white females. For the lower-extremity bone lengths, the difference is between 80.3 ± 10.4 cm (black females) and 78.1 ± 6.2 cm (white females). This difference of 2.2 cm represents 2.7 percent of the lower-extremity length, and it is of the same order as the 3.7 percent difference between the sitting heights of whites and blacks.

The paper calculates that a 3 percent difference in center of mass–the average difference between blacks and whites–produces for the athlete with the higher center of mass

a 1.5 percent increase in the winning speed for the 100 [meter] dash. This represents a 1.5 percent decrease in the winning time, for example, a drop from 10 to 9.85 [seconds]. This change is enormous in comparison with the incremental decreases that differentiate between world records from year to year. In fact, the 0.15[-second] decrease corresponds to the evolution of the speed records … from 1960 (Armin Hary) to 1991 (Carl Lewis). The 3 percent difference in L1 between groups represents an enormous advantage for black athletes.

For swimming, the conclusion is quantitatively the same, but in favor of white athletes. The 3 percent increase in [lower-body length] means a 1.5 percent increase in winning speed, and a 1.5 percent decrease in winning time. Because the winning times for 100[-meter] free are of the order of 50 [seconds], this represents a decrease of the order of 0.75 [seconds] in the winning time. This is a significant advantage for white swimmers, because it corresponds to evolution of the records over 10 years, for example, from 1976 (James Montgomery) to 1985 (Matt Biondi).

If I red that correctly it is complete garbage. 

@ OP. 

I hope this app doesn’t crash on me. 

This is is actually a decently good question you pose. 

Off the top of my head I will say yes. On average I’d say black fighters have a longer reach than white fighters. Roughly 60-40%. 

 In a sport with weight classes nothing is for sure. 

Eg- Kevin randlman was a stumpy little bloke ( but to be honest should have been fighting at about 155 off the sauce ( if they had more weight classes back then) ((RIP Kevin, dude was a bloody soldier ))

This kind of subject actually intrigues me more than it probably should, so warning. I may come across very opinionated. 

2 things I would like you to take from this. 

1’st and most important)

Don’t believe the tale of the tape stats. !!!!

they are so fucking redicluse I honestly pity anyone who believes them. They are not accurate!!!!!!!  It is almost a dead giveaway to noob combat sport status.  This is not your ( or the plebiscite’s fault ) rather than a it is a direct insult towards the promotions that both of intentionally and negligently mislead the audience. 

2’ndly ) and even more relevant ( because we can have a discussion about it ) is the nature of the question you are presenting. 

IMO this is a great example of why a study sighting statistics can be not only less helpful than anacdotal ( by that I mean something clearly observable and not necessarilly studied or documented ) evidence, but in some cases downrght misleading. 

To tie that into my thoughts on the matter.    “ no shit “  black people and white people have different genetic makeup/ attributes. Same as Chinese have slanted eyes and dark hair, native tribes from the tropics have fewer sweat glands and white people get sunburnt way more easily than darker skins folk.      People from Africa have longer limbs.    The most obvious example I can think of is the Masi tribe from Africa.   If you haven’t seen it look up the “jumping dance “ they do.    It’s honestly a thing to be admired.   They have long skinny legs and proportionately massive feet.   While slender, their upper body ( as mentioned by article you sighted ) caries the majority of their body weight. 

They were built as incredible running machines and grow to be the better part of 7” tall if not higher to be able to see predators like lions from a distance.   

That said. Theirs part nature part nurture involved in them being able to jump 2” high. They practice that every day since their little.     

I’ve seen big white guys tromping down the road running, and their doing the swimming equivalent of a doggy paddle. Whilst they will never be physically as advantaged as a massi warrior when it comes to running, they would have been far better runners had they “ run more growing up”. 

Sorry if if I come off trying to be cocky with unnecessary big words   I only seem to type like that when I’m drunk.    

chuckechan -
gentle_wookiee -

they have bigger cocks so maybe?

nope thats a myth ya lil cuck. Stop watching that kind of porn ^^ hahaha...

to the topic, and not the gayfag over here..

Yes they have longer arms/legs compared to torso, thats why they are good at sprint not the musclefibers which americans tend to believe.. The nr.1 explosive muscle fibeers are used in olympic weightlifting and europeans dominate that. But in that sport long arms and legs isnt nescesarrly an advantage, as it is in running in a straight line + the momentum u gain from the longer arms.

Swimming on the other hand benefits the longer torso. + and - about everything. Long torso are good for many things in mma aswell.

Mudsharks spotted......