Ingrained Media - NastyNate420 - Ingrained Media - NastyNate420 - I've always wondered, it seem pretty shitty if they didn't get a per episode pay or something.
Yes the coach gets paid and gets a budget for travel and pay for his assistants, two condos and one rental car .
Any estimation on the pay?
1500-2000 a week
Divided up or per coach?
Either way "chicken & steak" was drastically over paid.
savage043 - A lifetime supply of bubble wrap 
If you're going to welch, then people like myself will follow every thread you post in, and call you out for your welchyness.
Wizekracker, the guy you said you would be paid money from, or pay money too, depending on Meisha/Ronda fight, has taken his winnings from MULTIPLE HONORABLE UGers, and donated money to Justin Wren's foundation to help the Pigmy people.
You and withoutspoilersdotcom, have WELCHED.
Pay up, do the right thing, and don't worry about having people like me call you out every time you post.