Do You Root for the White Guy or Black Guy?

I suffer from white guilt so if two white guys are fighting I root for Herb Dean

Fair enough, brahmabull81. Phone Post 3.0


I generally pick white over black, hispanic over white and black over hispanic with asian being a wild card in all fights.

haha Phone Post 3.0

every time a colored beats a white fighter, a little part inside me dies every time :-( Phone Post 3.0

I generally go with the fighter who has the most definition in his abs which can only be trumped by a far superior posterior chain aka badonk. Sometimes hairstyle comes into play but only when their pectorals are equally supple and their nipples equally erect.



I don't see skin colours, I see two fighters, the fact this is even made a thread shows a form of racism plays a part in your mentality. I don't like Jones and Tito as much as I do like DJ and Edgar. It's MMA, not racial politics, the fighting styles are all that matters Phone Post 3.0

I will generally root for fighters from the US in title fights or #1 contender spots, just for national pride(as with any other fan I suppose). Anything else I choose the fighter I like best. Many times I rooted against American fighters in mid card bouts because I was a bigger fan of the other person.

It is funny that the first person to bring up the race card are the ones who claim they are not racist.

Kostakio - Racism is a topic we never get tired of discussing on this forum.

First of all, we have to admit that there's a certain amount of cultural pride that is inherent in all human beings. If you turn on the television and there's a boxing match on, you will usually root for the guy who looks most like you. But if you find out that the guy who looks less like you is from your hometown, you may start rooting for him. Or if the guy who isn't your ethnicity was pronounced dead after an incident at a public pool when he was only nine and has beaten the odds to vie for the welterweight championship.

For me, it doesn't take much. If the guy looks like Wesley Snipes is the underdog and the guy who looks like me is unbeaten (I know that's never going to happen), I'll be rooting for the black guy simply because I always root for the underdog. All things being equal, every bit of history aside, people are going to root for the person who looks most like them. I don't think I'm different from anyone else who's being honest. I don't know if that's good or bad, I'm just saying it's built into all of us and we should just accept it. Phone Post 3.0

First I will agree that everyone is discriminatory to some degree. It's impossible not to be, it's how we sort and organize our world as humans. But it really doesn't affect my viewpoints too much. I am more about style and dominance than anything else.

Depends on whether I'm in an athletic and explosive mood, or a strategic and technical mood.

Not gonna lie, I am more likely to root for the homer (whitey) in a vacuum. The black fighters that I root for over just about any white guy are few and far between, but they do exist. Yves Edwards, Anderson Silva, Pele. . . those are about the only ones that I can think of, unfortunately.

the mexican. 

Black people generally root for the black guy. White people need to justify themselves when they root for the white guy. Racism is there - with the black people.

Filipinos don't care. They want to see a good game and then get something adobo after. Phone Post 3.0

chrisbaker - every time a colored beats a white fighter, a little part inside me dies every time :-( Phone Post 3.0

i wanted varner to win this so bad

I was also rooting for Varner, but it's mainly just because Trujillo is a woman beater.

kalt - 
Kostakio - 
kalt - Lame. I could care less. Same with nationality. I hate seeing people cheer on one guy solely because he was born in a certain patch of dirt.

I do oppose the overt, hyper-religious people though. Keep in mind religion is not a race. I'm always gonna root against people like Benson Henderson, mister "all things are possible through christ except beating anthony pettis."
You're rooting against people with different religious beliefs than you? And I'm lame? Phone Post 3.0

Yes. You're against someone for their DNA, the amount of melanin in their skin, which they did not choose and cannot change. I'm against someone for their beliefs, which they did choose and can change, and which is the only legitimate reason to dislike someone.

Not to turn this into a religious thread (hey, gotta love the assholes for even bringing it up) but....a lot of people would argue that it is NOT chosen but rather a part of their upbringing/environment etc....AND a lot of people would argue that being Jewish IS in their DNA...

Now, back to the OP's point; It depends on whether or not the person acts ghetto. I will, the vast majority of the time, automatically root against them.


DoomFarmer - In for ABE FROMAN.
haha Phone Post 3.0

kalt -
Kostakio - 
kalt - Lame. I could care less. Same with nationality. I hate seeing people cheer on one guy solely because he was born in a certain patch of dirt.

I do oppose the overt, hyper-religious people though. Keep in mind religion is not a race. I'm always gonna root against people like Benson Henderson, mister "all things are possible through christ except beating anthony pettis."
You're rooting against people with different religious beliefs than you? And I'm lame? Phone Post 3.0

Yes. You're against someone for their DNA, the amount of melanin in their skin, which they did not choose and cannot change. I'm against someone for their beliefs, which they did choose and can change, and which is the only legitimate reason to dislike someone.
Bet you're a blast at parties Phone Post 3.0