ufc98newb -Mandible_Claw -DFW should just give Chuck a salary to not embarrass himself.
they tried that. the new regime cut him off.
No. Now. Dana, with his own money.
ufc98newb -Mandible_Claw -DFW should just give Chuck a salary to not embarrass himself.
they tried that. the new regime cut him off.
No. Now. Dana, with his own money.
No, he doesn’t move well at all let alone has no shred of Pro Wrestling ability in him. What’s he going to do? Cut a promo? lol
He can't move. He can't speak. He probably shouldn't receive any type of physical impact.
Taco Muncher -He's open to the idea...
Absolutely. I think every generation should have a Chris Benoit moment. Chuck is already halfway there.