Doc Hamilton now believes Shogun won against Lyoto


JT42382 - 
BJJkilla - shogun fans will post like crazy now repeating on how shogun was robbed.

 lol yeah..but even if doc reversed his decision, lyoto would still have won the split

exactly lol

How much running does a champ have to do before the judges see that he is scared and is afraid of losing?

This brings up the question of if the judges only have their cage side view or do they have a monitor of the broadcast to watch as well?

Watching from cage side you don't have nearly as good a view to what may happen across the cage from you.

What he's really saying is that he is a moron who can't really score a fight how he's supposed to but he doesn't think anyone else can either because the system is retarded and even if they improved it, corruption will still be THE main factor in decisions in major MMA orgs.

I'm not sure I agree with the damage criteria and especialy its justification by BJM. The purpose of a fight is not merely to inflict more damage but to impose one's will onto another by force. Clearly that can be done without inflicting more damage than the opponent.

PRIDE scoring system will fix all this mess

da Vinci 81 - Don't know if I agree with damage done. Some people bruise and cut much easier than others.

Just look at the beating Penn took from GSP and yet stil showed only minor signs of damage compared to how guys like Fitch or Alves looked afterward.

 I agree with this, when someones face is torn up the damage is obvious, in which case GSP/Penn 1 would have had a completely different outcome cause GSP was busted UP.  But the real issue on this part of the criteria to me is body damage.  ok, on some pasty white fighters you can see the reddness but on Darker skinned or Black fighters it's not going to be that obvious.  This one is a little too subjective in many cases.


Half points are a terrible idea. That's essentially the same as switching to a 20-point must system. If the round is that close to call, just score it 10-10 and let the rest of the fight decide the winner.

threestars35 - PRIDE scoring system will fix all this mess

No it won't, Pride had some awful decisions too. I think earlier significant moments in fights don't equal as much as significant moments later in the fight, and is the major downfall in my opinion of that scoring system.

 fights should be one 10 min rd followed by one 5 min rd... championship fights should be two 10 min rds followed by one 5 min rd....

threestars35 - PRIDE scoring system will fix all this mess

...a genius among men... Pride rules are win/win for everyone...

donkypunch55 - 
threestars35 - PRIDE scoring system will fix all this mess

...a genius among men... Pride rules are win/win for everyone...

I just always agree with donky :)


HawaiianBomber - 
donkypunch55 - 
threestars35 - PRIDE scoring system will fix all this mess

...a genius among men... Pride rules are win/win for everyone...

I just always agree with donky :)

So that means your smart AND Pretty... damn these internets...

donkypunch55 - 
HawaiianBomber - 
donkypunch55 - 
threestars35 - PRIDE scoring system will fix all this mess

...a genius among men... Pride rules are win/win for everyone...

I just always agree with donky :)


So that means your smart AND Pretty... damn these internets...
My God this internet! ;) 

 Why half points when you still aren't using 7 of the possible scores? He's basically saying, "Let's go down to 10-6". Why complicate it with half points?

IMO it's a good idea, but it won't solve the problem of certain judges who don't seem to understand the sport they are judging.