Does anyone else miss Gus Johnson?

He was way better than Anik and Goldberg, and second only to Mauro. Since he works for Fox Sports, you would think he could easily make appearences in Non-PPV UFC cards. He brings a level of professionalism rarely seen in MMA commentators.


Lipstick guy?

Sometimes, these things happen in MMA. 

He was about as good as stephen a smith doing boxing

One of the greatest calls in MMA history

Vrill -

Sometimes, these things happen in MMA. 

First thing I thought of

He brought credibility to the show.

DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - 

One of the greatest calls in MMA history




Also bring back Bill Goldberg for crying out loud.

Vrill -

Sometimes, these things happen in MMA. 

THIS should have been the first reply. 

Can't tell if serious question or not


Non N00B -
Vrill -

Sometimes, these things happen in MMA. 

THIS should have been the first reply. 

It almost was, as soon as I replied with "no", I thought crap, I should have went with "sometimes these things happen..." lol

Gus Hellicopter Johnson was who I thought of when I saw this thread. 

He was horrible.

Bluenamer please

<img src =""

R00STER - No