Does BJJ make you smarter?

I've noticed that since starting Jiu Jitsu about 3 years ago I feel as though my critical thinking and deductive logic have improved. In my opinion it is all attributed to BJJ. I've been an avid reader for my entire life, but I noticed a significant improvement since starting BJJ.

Does anybody else feel this way, do you know of any studies on this and does anyone else have any personal experience with this as well?

I dunno about smarter, but it definitely makes you more delusional.

Not at all. If anything it made me dummer.

I don't think so, intelligence is a hidden attribute that you can't really train.

Training BJJ will increase your agility, flexibility and balance however.

I wouldn't necessarily say smarter, but it definitely helps my reasoning and retention of information.

it made my life easier.95% of the time i try and jiu jitsu life.become water ,fine a way to flow around my problems. not run, but create another path.

i know it sounds like bullshit, but i have a niece that i been telling that to for 10 yrs.anytime i ask her how's it going.she replies, it,s great uncle,im water.she told me again last week and i could tell from the look in her eyes she gets it's.

groundfighter2000 - I dunno about smarter, but it definitely makes you more delusional.

12 - it made my life easier.95% of the time i try and jiu jitsu life.become water ,fine a way to flow around my problems. not run, but create another path.

i know it sounds like bullshit, but i have a niece that i been telling that to for 10 yrs.anytime i ask her how's it going.she replies, it,s great uncle,im water.she told me again last week and i could tell from the look in her eyes she gets it's.


12 - it made my life easier.95% of the time i try and jiu jitsu life.become water ,fine a way to flow around my problems. not run, but create another path.

i know it sounds like bullshit, but i have a niece that i been telling that to for 10 yrs.anytime i ask her how's it going.she replies, it,s great uncle,im water.she told me again last week and i could tell from the look in her eyes she gets it's.


It has taught me how to remain calm while dealing with pressure or opposition in my life outside of the academy. I think that is, for the lack of a better term, a life skill. I haven't noticed anything in terms of help with cognitive thought, but I do fancy myself a brainiac. Phone Post

I have nothing intelligent to add...

12 - it made my life easier.95% of the time i try and jiu jitsu life.become water ,fine a way to flow around my problems. not run, but create another path.

i know it sounds like bullshit, but i have a niece that i been telling that to for 10 yrs.anytime i ask her how's it going.she replies, it,s great uncle,im water.she told me again last week and i could tell from the look in her eyes she gets it's.

I honestly have to say I know what you mean. Everything I do is "jiu jitsu" now... The way I parent... the way i manage in business... the way I solve problems.

i think the type of person you are comes out in your jiujitsu. my friend is a psychologist and a blue belt. he analyzes everything almost to the point where it hinders his progression. he can also recall every position he was in during a roll and tries to break it down and study it afterwards. i am on the other side of things. the creative type who will just go with the flow and really try to make art when they roll.

I'm a jenius(tm)!

Seriously though, being smarter is a very ill defined concept...

but, jiu jitsu and all athletic activities can help you develop many things not normally associated with physical activity - some of which were mentioned above.

groundfighter2000 - I dunno about smarter, but it definitely makes you more delusional.


how the hell did this thread pull out a couple of lurkers?

^ I've got no idea. I didn't even think this thread would get one response outside of the obligatory trolling.

12 - it made my life easier.95% of the time i try and jiu jitsu life.become water ,fine a way to flow around my problems. not run, but create another path.

i know it sounds like bullshit, but i have a niece that i been telling that to for 10 yrs.anytime i ask her how's it going.she replies, it,s great uncle,im water.she told me again last week and i could tell from the look in her eyes she gets it's.

Alabama Man - 
groundfighter2000 - I dunno about smarter, but it definitely makes you more delusional.

When combined, these comments make sense.


if you're already smart then i think bjj can be something that exercises your brain as you work through problem solving, critical thinking, etc. will keep you sharp and help you maintain focus, but i don't think that necessarily means you become smarter

on the other hand if you're one of those dumbasses who don't know when to quit on a failed ezekiel choke and keep trying to fist people's faces then bjj probably won't really help your cognitive skills. ..not that you'll last long on the mats anyways.