Interesting discussion... I think he does.. you cant' argue with wins over Shogun, Rampage and Silva...
if you can't argue then why did you make this thread?
caliphornia - if you can't argue then why did you make this thread?
So douche rollers have something to complain about???
Ryase - Seeing as how the game is constantly advancing, the top 12 LHW's right now ARE the top 12 LHW's ever. And I'm not a big Forrest fan, but I think he's in the top 12 at the moment. So yes, I think he already is.
so Chuck Liddell and Wanderlei Silva arent top 12 LHWs ever?
I think he already cracked top 10 all time.
LOL yes he would in my mind
remember when he cracked the top 1?
Ryase -CRBMoney14 -Ryase - Seeing as how the game is constantly advancing, the top 12 LHW's right now ARE the top 12 LHW's ever. And I'm not a big Forrest fan, but I think he's in the top 12 at the moment. So yes, I think he already is.
so Chuck Liddell and Wanderlei Silva arent top 12 LHWs ever?
What are you bitching about? They still are top 12.
lol considering Wanderlei is at 185 and Chuck is semi-retired, now they arent.
Frank Shamrock and Tito would both also be top 5 LHWS of all time, but arent top 10 right now
douche roller? Weak, weak, weak.....
worth a reply