Don Richards vs. Jeff Monson

Big Don is training hard for this fight and in addition to a great ground game, is bringing some serious stand up skills as well. Gonna be a great fight!

Miles - You have an account now! Very cool!


TTT for Don. This should be a great fight.

June 5th in the Iron Heart Crown show in Hammond.

i can't wait to see big don whoop some ass!

Thanks guys I'm training hard and looking forward to getting back in there.Special thanks to all of my team mates for getting me ready.Everyone has been pushing me real hard.


I may not be as well known as Jeff but I have been making some waves in the midwest grappling scene for a few years now.I won the NAGA Worlds advanced super heavy last year and placed 3rd in the Arnolds pro heavy last year as well.I competed in the Arnold this year too winning the heavy weight purple belt and almost taking Lionel Perez's foot home with me in the pro no gi (he won on points after escaping).If I remember correctly you were saying after the event that you can't believe Lionel is not a blackbelt yet ect..Don't count me out I can be very dangerous with my submissions and I have very good defense.I have also been training Muay Thai and keep improving everyday.I also have 15+ years of wrestling under my belt in addittion to a blackbelt in Judo.This fight won't be a walk in the park for either of us.


Don Richard

P.S. This fight is going to be MMA June,5th Iron Heart Crown

Keep training hard Don, This is your chance to let everyone know who you are!!!

No disrespect to Monson - we all agree he is a fantastic competitor/athlete - but he better pack a lunch for June 5th. Don has been training hard and brings a well rounded skill set to the table...very strong top/bottom grappling game, muay thai skills, and a freakish athleticism for someone @ 260lb.

245lbs ;)

Don I just showed this to Jeff and here is what he has to say:

Don "(Wade's little twin)" Richards is a tough competitor, I saw him at the last Arnolds and I'm sure he is very talented. I'm looking foward to this fight and I can only promise to give him all I got, which I'm sure he will do the same.

Good luck and safe training!

Thanks guys. Carlao you know I only took this fight because it's a good opportunity for me.I have developed a friendship with some of the ATT guys over the years and have all the respect in the world for you guys.Take care guys all the best and good training to Jeff.

DAMN!!! This ought to be sweet.


rj rock brutha...this is going to be a great fight for the both of you...but me mula is on big don...cuz he is BIGGER ME!!!!!!!!

winner should get a ufc or pride shot.

I would love to see some of these guys come to texas and take a shot at the prize money in the Texas Submission Chalenge. Local texas talent like travis lutter aginst one of them that would be sweet!

Don, do you have a hard time finding big guys to roll with?

also, where do you live/ train at?


I live in a northern suburb of Detroit close to Flint,MI.I train at Warrior Way Martial Arts(Team Caique/M.A.S.H),and I also run my own affilliate school.Yes I have had problems finding bigger training partners more so a few years ago than now.Now I have a few big guys that push me to improve we have had some injuries recently though that have taken a couple of them out of commission for a while.We have some guys around 205 that actually give me the toughest rolls because of there combined strength,technique and speed.


TTT for Big Don

I will be good to go in about two weeks Big D. In the interim, I will see you at class ready to hold the mitts.....god help my forearms/hands.