Donald Cerrone vs Manny Reyes jr.

take care of him for us all cowboy

Is this fight still on?


Weigh In is 1 hour. Donald is at weight and ready to go.


He punked out that worhtless Kransoo dude was on a another thread bragging that Manny was bailing because he knew he was being set up and was'nt being paid enough.

Then he took the time to insult you boogie. Too bad I would have loved to have seen the HL vid of Donald decapitating the UG's most disrespectfull homo troll.

What's the status of the fight?

Donald you better swing on his mouth! and Represent Colorado properly got damn it! or I'm a see you at the gym! Dont make me come to Trevors.... BUMP

Did Manny REALLY back out?


I am all for Manny getting put in to a coma.

COWARD, Manny "I'M YELLOW" Reyes


Official status????

If he no shows, he had better never get booked for another fight under any rules.  What a fucking coward.

I think it's funny that they call Manny "internet legend"

TTT for Details!

Seriously someone should do a dojo storming on Reyes gracie style with a video camera

Similar to how Oxnard Doc did with Sifu Ferg

Is Donald Cerrone, Rick Cerrone's son?

This fight has been cancelled.

Keithkizer, source? Official word?
