Download Liddell Video on

You can download the video Chuck Liddell is in on

go to the top where it has the search engine, type in American Head Charge....then click all American Head Charge videos...then click on the Cowards video

It's pretty cool...don't mess with Chuck :)

I was all with it and thought it was awesome, and the music was building and I was hoping that maybe this would lead in to seeing Liddell in the UFC. Yes! It started showing Liddell getting ready to train/fight. I just knew I was getting ready to see some UFC clips showing his heavy hands and ferocious power. I wait.... and... and... and... I see like two cips of him just hugging or being pulled off of someone. They didn't even show him punch anyone? Why no good action clips??

fuck that

meh. chucks cool

Chuck is a natural comdian and actor. All and all it was a good video.

TTT For Chuck


That is the laundry mat across the street from where I lived also where Tito lives. Wonder if he stayed the night at Titos that night?

Also did anyone notice the little Gang banger who he was?

