Dreams about fighting... Need advice from bro's.

We will support you either way, but the age limit for being a fighter in the cage is lower than the age limit for helping pigmys so imo, if you want to make a comeback, do it now, and you can use it to help your second family while you do it Phone Post 3.0

I agree that if you fought you would have a bigger platform to give a voice for your family. Phone Post 3.0

Follow your heart brother. Only you know what is truly right for yourself. If coming back and fighting is something you seriously consider we would all embrace your choice. Winning can ultimately draw more attention to your cause. On the other hand no would ever question or think differently of you if you were to stay helping the pigmys that have become such a huge part of your life. Whatever you decide i support you and you have made a fan for life. Phone Post 3.0

Tommyunited - If you don't make a comeback you will be looking back one day and say the good ol phrase.. "What if"

Just my two cents. You're a great dude. Phone Post 3.0
This, you have your entire life to help the pygmies. You have done so much and it would seem like a good idea to me to start seeing if they can prosper some on their own a bit. You can always go over after fights to check and make sure all is going smoothly. If you are going to come back and fight, you will need to do it sooner rather than later. You dont want to let your body get so wrecked that it is impossible to get healthy enough to fight before you ever have the chance. And like Mihow said, with all the $ from being champ, think of the good you can do then. Phone Post 3.0

justinthevikingwren - 
Mihow - I was going to go to sleep an hour ago but didn't because I wanted to read your post and it was well worth it.

When you become UFC HW champion in 4 years you can help the People even more.

Not sure how many training partners will fly to the Congo tho ... Maybe Cheick ?? Phone Post 3.0
I'm tentative to say it, because I haven't fought in so long... But I guess that would be my ultimate dream. Combining my two dreams and meshing them together seamlessly... Fighting people in a competitive way that would propel me to fight FOR people in a critical/meaningful way. Phone Post 3.0


You are seriously a hero of mine and I love reading every single thing posted about you.

I think the media platform that you could get from having two or three fights could help you tenfold. Financially you would have more money to invest into the Fight for the Forgotten, the positive media story could hopefully bring even more funding and education to the plight of the Pygmies.

Your fans and friends will follow you.

gods telling you to fight

I love everything you do man.

You are a hero among average men Justin. The heart of a viking is always going to desire combat because thats how our ancestors lived their lives. You are an inspiration to many and I know the UG/OG will support you in whatever you decide to pursue. Phone Post 3.0

You are fighter thru and thru , fighting again would definitely help raise awareness and as we've seen with the ice bucket challenge awareness is everything ! Phone Post 3.0

I would love to see you back in there. It can give you a bigger voice to help raise awareness. Either way you're doing incredible work.

Its an awesome thing you are doing over there for your people but we would love to see you back in action. Your a young man still with plenty of fight left whether it be for us, you or the pygmy people. Do what makes you happy. Phone Post 3.0

also consider this - although you are obviously doing a lot by yourself, you could effect much more change by getting in the spotlight and getting many others to take action...maybe fighting can be your platform for that

Whatever you choose, best wishes! You are a good dude and things will work out Phone Post 3.0

I have vivid dreams about smoking cigarettes after having quit for 4 years. The subconscious wants what it wants man your hard wired to embrace the grind, always will.

I've never missed one of your fights starting with TUF and wouldn't miss another if you came back. Phone Post 3.0

You live a cool life, bro. Phone Post 3.0

Fighting on a big stage will give a bigger voice for the biggest cause! Phone Post 3.0

What a great way to get your cause out in the public.

I say go for it but don't let it interfere with all the great work you've been doing. You are changing people's life's over there. Physically and spiritually and there is nothing in a cage that can be as rewarding as that. Phone Post 3.0

Trick or Truth - You're an awesome person and you're quest is a noble cause, freedom and liberty for the pygmies. A bigger stage, a bigger platform would make your quest easiest or at least you would get more attention which is always a good thing.
"You lose nothing when fighting for a cause ... In my mind the losers are those who don't have a cause they care about"
You have an amazing cause and that motivation will mean you excel.... Get yourself checked up at hospital when back in US and then get back in fighting shape! Best of luck Justin. Phone Post 3.0
Where did that quote come from? I like it quite a bit. Phone Post 3.0

If you leave, the pygmies will gang bang your fiancee, she's pretty hot

HaMMerHouseFAN - Reading your post I was thinking you should stay away from the sport. Four years is a long time to be away from the sport, especially at the highest level. No need to get beat up and go through the grueling training camps and days of training. You've so done a ton to help out the Pygmies over the last few years.

Having said that, if fighting is really what you want to do, you should go for it. You only get one life to live and why have this regret about not fighting if it's something you really want to do. Fighting is one of those things that has a shelf life that you have to do earlier rather than later in life.

Hope you decide to do whatever it is you really want to do and go for it. Phone Post 3.0
Voted up and thanks for the honest input
:-) Phone Post 3.0