Drop it..Gardner/Godzilla talk

They are both very talented fighters that are more than deserving of a shot at bigger pay days.. and isn't that what all this is about.. making more money.. i think it is.... If the two ever do fight.. i am sure it will be a very entertaing fight.. but the talkin shit back and forth is a waste of time at this point.. what has it been going on now.. a week atleast.... Gabe said.. in black and white... he will fight gardner for his title in the FFC... I know the FFC would be more than willing to make this fight happen.... so its just a matter of waiting and getting a fight date.. then u all can start a prediction thread and if u must.. talk shit about one another and their camps again...lol

TTT for this fight taking place

Man of Steel

Murdercity Fight Team

Thanks Jake, that was my sentiments exactly.

Maybe after i win the KOTC 155 title i can give ya a title shot

Gardner is a traing partner of mine from time to time... and i can vouch for his skillz..as for gave i have only seen him on tape.. but from what i hear he is tough as nails... I would love to see the fight and i support it happening... as for all the shit that has been talked.. well it happens i guess.. MMA fans are very passionate...

I can be pretty certain that it was never anything more than Dave seeing a fighting with alot of talk about him coming up and wanting to fight him.. no harm in that whatsoever.. i did it myself in regard to Melvin Guillard...everyone said he was the next big thing.. so i took the fight on less than 24 hours notice and beat him...so there was never tiime for all the talk...

I have alot of respect for the fighters as well as their supporters.... Settle it in the ring with FISTS... not with words....

Man of Steel

" Maybe after i win the KOTC 155 title i can give ya a title shot"

Sorry, Jake.

After oct 29th the title is staying w/ me for good.

Mac i do not doubt that is ur intentions..u can keep the belt for me over the holidays show it off to friends and family and then around February shine it up real nice for me... cause i am coming to take it..

Well i hope thats the scenario atleast.... i gotta get past a tough canadian and u gotta dethrone the champ... Good luck and train hard

Man of Steel

Murdercity Fight Team

Damn, more West coast/ Michigan Drama! LOL

not at all Godzilla.. i believe i took quite a different approach in my response.. lol

Man of Steel

Jake thanks for being the voice of reason..NOT..You shit talking motherfucker,who are you to SAY THIS SHIT..mR.Im win win kotc..Mr..Im the man.,..Come on now,you know how hard it is to get a fight for gardner and you play like you are all class? Give me a break bro..I respect Gabe for stepping up, But you saying anything about talking shit is a joke..YOU TALK MAD SHIT..Not that I hate on that cause so do I..Bit practice what you preach champ.

lol....Quincy... i understand what ur saying and all i am saying is everyone talking shit back and forth about it is gettin nothing done...talking about fighting is one thing.. but some of the people take it a bit to far with character attacks... its just a fight for christ sake no reason to get so worked up

getting people worked up creates interest. And not only that, its fun!

classy post by Jake Short.


Well, Jake you sound like a real good guy, but if I beat Takumi, I already have 2 names that have been given to me by Terry for title defenses and neither of them is you...

I'm not sure who you've been talking to or where you're getting your info from...

this thread is fucking SWEET!!!!!!!


all the shit talking is entertaining

Mac, you're the Gladiator Challenge 155 champ and Gabe's roomie right?

This thread has been brought to you courtesy of, Gayzilla Chocolate!

What the champs eat!

I don't live with Gabe.