Dustin is a fucking savage

Dustin is a good guy but the charity thing really turned me off from him. I know how corrupt and wasteful charities can be after doing case studies. They are basically companies that don’t get taxed on donations received and can keep a large percentage for “admin”. His own wife is on the payroll and probably other friends which is a clear conflict of interest. So basically he was calling out Conor to pay his damn family. To me that’s incredibly dishonorable.

Tax returns with CLEAR itemized expenses should be public. For comparison, the American Red Cross donates over 90% of their funds. How much does Dustin’s charity donate? What is their charity rating? I personally wouldn’t donate a penny to a wasteful and demanding charity with frivolous salaries going out.

Well if your experienced in the subject find out and inform us.

I’m sure some of that information is public their rating etc?

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Conor’s alleged to have done some bad things to women and confirmed to have sucker punched the elderly and we’re talking about Dustin’s charity’s administration costs? That’s how boring and bleak things have gotten.


Not trying to compare Dustin and Conor. Is an inequity excused if you compare it to something worse? Corruption in charities is a real thing and it boils my blood.

Yea but all you have is questions, for all you know the answer to all of those questions are not what you are ASSuming.


If you’re going to bring his charity into disrepute and his wife and friends come correct don’t just point out charities can also be a tax dodging scam.

It’s not a good look.

That’s a lot of info for me to process and reply sensibly to quickly within the context of this thread.

But I assume you must have read it in depth…

Did anyone ask Dustin?

Sorry, the second you demand a charity donation you better be prepared to be audited and scrutinized.

Yea, that is what I am saying has anyone asked?

Not sure about the 2020 tax return but apparently the 2019 tax return did not disclose the expenses which were about 33% of total donations. That’s $183k going where?

Yea but that is not my question…

I see you making a bunch of nasty claims on a forum known for having toxic fanboys and I see a Reddit thread also known for toxicity.

My question is has Anybody in the world ever politely said to Dustin hey mate could we see the accounts for your charity could you explain a few things?

I mean at the very least afford him a chance to answer your questions before saying all this shit.

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There’s no nasty “claim” if people are calling him out for a public donation demand, which happened. That’s basically the main point.

From there people posted his donation received vs expenses, which still doesn’t disclose what was actually given away. His wife is on payroll. Not saying she’s getting paid large but it’s a red flag.

I’m glad that Conor donated directly to the beneficiaries. That was a great move in response.

Lol @ how upset you are

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Right so he’s been asked is what your saying?

Or someone made a post on a thread?

I’m not being funny mate in the time I’ve tried to ascertain if any of you internet detectives have even asked him I could have just sent him a tweet or something publicly politely and direct.

Conor allegedly raped and sodomized a woman so badly, she had to have reconstructive surgery. He did this while he was coked up, in front of a bunch of Irish goons.

He’s the last person I’d trust when it comes to being a solid gauge of character.

Not trolling. Like BC of Morning Kombat says. Dustin is clearly the no. 1 guy right now, he should have been fighting for the tile. He instead chose to do the McGregor rematch.

Also I don’t know of a single analyst who is picking Oliveira over Dustin. On MK they all but acknowledge the winner smokes Oliveira…which is just a fact.

Because Conor promised and then welched like the scumbag he is. All he had to do was not announce it publicly. Don’t get angry because Dustin and company expected him to fulfill his word.

Charles finishes Dustin. Big facts.

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