Eddie Bravo on Marijuana and Royler Rematch

Spoke to Eddie Bravo at UFC 111 and he was kind enough to do an interview. He talks about weed, Royler, Crackhead control, Joey Karate and more..

Someone please link this, my HTML privileges have been stripped. Not sure what's going on but I sent Kirik an email.



ttt good interview

ThreadRuiner - ttt good interview

 Eddies awesome

 lol @ we cant let crackheads run wild

 I read it as "Hoyler Hematch"

anyone else?

Skillrules -  lol @ we cant let crackheads run wild

That was good, lol

 Great interview.



Thanks Frank

 Damn. I misread the thread title. I thought we were going to see Eddie ON MARIJUANA rematching Royler...

Great interview, Garv.

Thanks Mike!

 He reminds me of some of my stoner buddies back in the 80's. Definitely has the aura of a guy who has been roasting a bowl for many years.

I wish they would fucking fight already and get it over with

Insane in the membrane....

Jsteven - I wish they would fucking fight already and get it over with

 One of the most anticipated rematches ever.  Sounds like it will never happen tho.

Thanks, MB!!


Mike Russell -  Damn. I misread the thread title. I thought we were going to see Eddie ON MARIJUANA rematching Royler...
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