Frank Edgars corner Chris Liguori will be fighting in 2 weeks-November 30th. Chris will be taking on Jim Miller at the Tropicana Casino in AC on HDNet Fights presents Ring of Combat.
What's his win-loss record?
Hope he fights better than he corners fighters.
^^^ No shit, no stool, no water, no shirt, WTF?
Ligouri is a game fighter that had 2 tough losses against Pete Sell and a loss in the UFC to Keith Rockel and beat Dorian Price in April of this year
He is fighting at 155lbs now so he should be pretty tough
i hope that was a joke^^^^
TTT this will be a good fight on a good card.
From: EvilMaster
Date: 11/17/07 11:35 PM
Member Since: 05/04/2006
17900 Total Posts Ignore User
Hope he fights better than he corners fighters.
looks like hes a pretty good cornor to me...edgar won right...
liguori's record is 8-5.
im going to go with, if you never were cornered by a person you really cant say if they are a bad corner. different fighhers like ways of cornering. Chris is a great corner. As for edgar, i guess all those punch passes were laying and praying?