EGO Highlight Vid 4-21-07!!!!!!

This division was just amazing!

This is the first Highlight video I've ever made. So, excuse it if is sucks.

Wow, Those light guys are fast!!

Good job James

Sweet video, thanks for putting that up.

The invite was awesome, Wilson is a beast, but I was rooting for Mr.T


damn nic e vid... that kid in the MMA shirt was freaky flexible.

The flexable kid is Ryan Hall "Dr. Ryangle".

excellent choice for musical accompaniment as well.

Still, it was action packed

Tulio's Ippon Seoinages were sweet!

Ari2- The video is NOT sped up. I wouldn't even know how to do it if I wanted to. What you see is REAL TIME. I swear.

Man I kept telling myself stay low or your going to go flying. Then there gos my feet. ohh that was fun.

ssw, are you the ref with glasses? Dont think we met at the event. Good job james nice vid. That Tulio vs wilson match was crazy !!! And Ryan hall well damn I guess his gaurd game is ok.

JW- Tulio's Judo is sick. The last time we matched up I tried to pull guard and got thrown before my ass hit the ground, TWICE. I feel ya, bro.


I am the visually impaired ref.

I tried to introduce myself to you, but you were in a conversation and I had to run to a mat.

Next time for sure.

Bring a team to the Hoosier Open in june.



June 16th, EGO will be down in Nashville TN... middle weight invite championships.

Great event!

check out for details.

looking forward to the next EGO

Dude, that last match was SICK! Gotta be one of the most action packed transition-fests I have seen.

Tim , you bet bro next event. I think we will be bringing small group to the hoosier. Seeya there.