Elbow Hook

Nader Snober - 
noshame - 
Nader Snober - 

This is a GREAT move.  I've been doing this move since I was a blue belt in '96!  As ridiculous as it sounds, I *thought* that I made it up and was the only person that did it as I've never seen it done before and whenever I would show it in class or at a seminar, it would seem to blow people's minds with the effectiveness of the move and the simplicity of it.  But, apparently, I wasn't the only one!  Fun Fact:  I call it the Elbow Hook as well.  Thanks for the post :-)

<span class="User-104519" id="userPost61564100">That's about how long I've been doing it, too! I've also never run into anyone else who teaches it or has seen it. Fact is, a kimura is a kimura. I just looked one day, and saw the &quot;kimura.&quot; I guess some judo dude from several centuries ago actually gets credit. Haha!

If we ever meet, I'll paper, scissor, rock for credits!</span></blockquote>
If I came across as trying to take credit, please forgive me, that wasn't my intent.  I was just amazed to see someone else do that move finally!  Though I agree that it has undoubtedly been done by many other people long before us, you get full credit for actually posting it and I thank you for it!  You've been Voted Up!


Nope. You did NOT come across as taking credit. I was just trying to be funny with the rock, paper, scissors thing.