EliteXC signs Hector LOMBARD


There are some fantastic fights for Hector at 185lb & he has the abilty to hit 170lb.

Very happy to see Pro Elite support another Aussie!



cuban no? visa problemo no?

Patrick pls fire me an email mate xfcpromoter777@gmail.com (remove the 7's)

Re the VISA - He is now an Aussie Citizen so like he can get a US visa.


justin...check email. just sent. 1am in Hawaii, so i'm going sleep. i'll get back to you in the a.m.

Thanks Patrick


 Wow, huge signing... Hopefully he can get into the states this time though.

I still smile everytime I think of Lombards opening against Gono at Bushido 11.

Lombard defected from Cuba after the Sydney Olympics I believe. Im not sure on the legality of it all, but with the Cubans it usually works by them going somewhere and the fella/gal just running away and asking for protection from the country they are in.

At his prime in Judo-- around 8 years ago-- he was top-10 in the world at 73kg (161), though he did cut quite a bit, most likely a natural weight of about 180 at the time.

This ia good signing. This is the type of fighter that Elite has to sign if they want to be legit.

Great signing!

Remember when Lombard's management tried to sell him on Ebay? LOL!!! I think the price started at $500,000 or something and they got 0 bids. Wait, maybe it was just that the reserve was $500,000 and the auction only got bid up to like $554.63 or something. Anyway, it happened and it was great.

Great acquisition to their roster, Hector has tons of ability.

i think that if AUS has naturalized him as a citizen that the USA will allow him into the country for work. idunno if he was an AUS citizen before with the UFC ordeal or not.

Mike I put him on ebay as a publicity stunt, nothing more. From memmory it was $100k. Regardless, he debuted shortly after a few wins in Australia into the Pride GP.

Like Hector I am delighted with the opportunity with EliteXC. I have no doubt that he has the ability & god given assets to become a fast rising star in a fast rising show.

Thanks again to JT STEELE & the team at Proelite for believing.


fuck yeah! go get em broder

Re weight, stay tuned for releases on matching. He can hit 170lb, howver, has no qualms fighting great guys at 185lb.

The VISA is not an issue - period. he is now an Aussie Citizen and like the many other Australians (NOKE, SINOSIC, SOTS etc...) that have fought as Pro's in the US he will obtain a VISA.


He was only just got his Australian Citizenship, hence the all clear to fight in America.


 i think this guy - europe's #1 mw - would be a nice fit in elitexc too.  he beat Lombard...would be good to see rematch.