End to the Diaz Brothers' Hiatus

from what I can tell, never having read an actual fighter contract, there are generally four ways for a fighter contracted with the UFC to become a free agent or get a new deal:

1. Complete all contracted fights;

2. UFC releases the fighter voluntarily;

3. UFC agrees to new contract terms / extension; or

4. The contract expires after a certain period of time (e.g., Carano's Strikeforce contract just expired, opening up her opportunity to renegotiate).

(Let me know if I missed any)

Nick and Nate aren't fighting any time soon, so they aren't going to be fighting out their contract to completion.

The UFC isn't going to release them or give them new deals based on performance, and they aren't looking for an extension - Nate, for example, is only one fight in.

SO - Nick and Nate appear willing to sit until the expiration of their respective contracts if the UFC doesn't give them new terms, at least for one fight.

Does anyone know when their contracts expire? Any one close enough to ask them? These dates are the key to understanding the Diaz brother's boycott. As nutty as they are, you have to assume even they have considered an endgame to their refusal to fight.

I assume Nick's is up first, and Nate's has a long way to go. Will these guys be able to resume their careers when the contracts expire?

- Dan Phone Post 3.0

Who gives a shit? Let them sit at home. The world moves on.

It's not like they are starving. If they needed it bad enough, they'd be fighting. They're comfortable where they are at. Don't worry about them.

Yeah, I hear you. Didn't really want to start a Diaz brother thread, but figured if we knew when the contracts expired, we could put them on a shelf WITH an expiration date and put further discussion to bed. Phone Post 3.0

lol @ taking a haitus in your prime, in a career that has what, a 5 year lifespan as it is?   

I think the only reason Gina's contract expired was the fact that the ufc bought strikeforce so unless the ufc gets bought out the Diaz contracts will never expire until they fulfill them Phone Post 3.0

If they don't care, why should I (we)? Phone Post 3.0

I read somewhere that every time they refuse a fight it extends. If this is true, the answer is never and we won't be seeing them fight again til they either start going broke or get offered a fight that's worth it to them. This makes me has so many sads.

my prediction is they both come back sometime next year and lose to top competition. They both lose then claim they are retiring becuase "everyone fights like pussies and we dont get paid enough for this shit"
im willing to bet this, any takers? Phone Post 3.0

jmont - my prediction is they both come back sometime next year and lose to top competition. They both lose then claim they are retiring becuase "everyone fights like pussies and we dont get paid enough for this shit"
im willing to bet this, any takers? Phone Post 3.0
Sadly I'll pass... Phone Post 3.0

Nick is currently "retired" and I'm pretty sure this just means that his contract is frozen so he's never leaving unless the UFC just lets him go for no reason.

Also, Nate has been offered countless fights that he keeps turning down so he's not going to be waiting out his either. Only way they are getting released is if they go on twitter and start dropping countless n-bombs and gay slurs in an inappropriate manner.

jmont - my prediction is they both come back sometime next year and lose to top competition. They both lose then claim they are retiring becuase "everyone fights like pussies and we dont get paid enough for this shit"
im willing to bet this, any takers? Phone Post 3.0
Ask SpiceyTaco :p Phone Post 3.0