Epic Cro Cop interview

LFTM - Cro Cop will always be the fucking man. Phone Post 3.0
Mods, can this be my screen name? Phone Post 3.0

Proud to be his fan. We in Croatia had no idea what mma was before Mirko. He brought me to the sport I grew to love and he has been a role model athlete. Phone Post 3.0

Great interview. No excuses. Phone Post 3.0



This is an old video but some may not have seen it. This is an interview Crocop did with a Croatian journalist. Apparently the Croatian press had some not so kind things to say about Minotauro back when they were scheduled to fight. Crocop took the chance to let them know they're a bunch of bitches and laid down some knowledge about a real man. Crocop has always been a straight up bad ass. In some ways he's like the ultimate man. MMA figher, kickboxer, a member of parliament, and special forces. He's pretty legit. 

A_Butler - http://youtu.be/xyph84GvWwY


This is an old video but some may not have seen it. This is an interview Crocop did with a Croatian journalist. Apparently the Croatian press had some not so kind things to say about Minotauro back when they were scheduled to fight. Crocop took the chance to let them know they're a bunch of bitches and laid down some knowledge about a real man. Crocop has always been a straight up bad ass. In some ways he's like the ultimate man. MMA figher, kickboxer, a member of parliament, and special forces. He's pretty legit. 

I have no idea why this wont embed......

I think people forget how scary he was in Pride. When he had a guy hurt he was even more lethal. Big Nog was great back then and it took a monster comeback for Nog to get the armbar. The ko's of Wand and Igor were like lightning strikes. The anticipation of the CC/Fedor was the greatest of any fight i can recall. I was drinking standing up in my living room i was so pumped.

Triangle Choked - You could argue the first part of his interview about Japanese MMA is starting in NA now. The older guys are retiring and we can't find the same passion for the newer guys. Chuck, Randy, Hughes, Franklin. These guys can't be replaced. At least for me anyway.
I still watch, but I don't get as excited or nervous before the fights. Phone Post 3.0

Good post, I agree

For A Butler


I forgot about that. Good bring up. Awesome, noble man. Definite warrior spirit for sure.

Fav fighter of all time. Always.

Pride had some things that sucked... definitely. But listening to that makes me miss it.

I find myself watching less and less MMA now. And I was watching best of Pride earlier.. first time in a LONG time... and the fights were just... more exciting.

I don't know. I do loe the UFC. Great fights but there's so many boring fights now. And it's not about the ground game or anything.. it's just like.. every fight is more of.. a ... I don't even know what to say. Point match?

it's just boring. I really don't pay much attention unless it's a main guy with a name.

These guys with simple Joe Smith names and no background.. or interesting thing going on.. or nickname or.. face I don't know.. it's just like.. Chris Smith from Iowa.. and it's just.... boring.

Something is just not there anymore. The magic is gone. The guys have gotten a lot better yeah, but only the top guys. It's just.. not as good. I wish you had the skill of modern times but with a lot of elements from the pride times...

I just miss it.

shatefak -
Koreanyachtteam -
RyannVonDoom -
LFTM - Cro Cop will always be the fucking man. Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0
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This Phone Post 3.0

jpm995 - I think people forget how scary he was in Pride. When he had a guy hurt he was even more lethal. Big Nog was great back then and it took a monster comeback for Nog to get the armbar. The ko's of Wand and Igor were like lightning strikes. The anticipation of the CC/Fedor was the greatest of any fight i can recall. I was drinking standing up in my living room i was so pumped.


That KO of Igor was so quick and accurate. And the accuracy of the G&P was so precise.

Fedor/CC was EASILY the biggest fight in MMA history.

matt_the_kiwi - 
shatefak -
Koreanyachtteam -
RyannVonDoom -
LFTM - Cro Cop will always be the fucking man. Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0


That whole interview is definitely a must-listen for any Cro Cop fan.  Of course Bas was half the reason for both "Right light, hospital; left leg, cemetery" and for telling him to prank Mauro.  I'm sure a night on the town with Bas and Mirko during PRIDE would have been fucking EPIC.


And as a reason to listen to the whole thing, Cro Cop may or may not wrap up the interview with another quick rendition of 'California Dreamin', and addresses desire to return to MMA.