Erik Paulson and Greg Nelson seminar...Omaha NE

ive done privates with kurt once or twice since they set up there

Hey RelentlessMMA.  I sat next to you at the weigh ins for UFN15 in the press area.  You were a pimp just going to whichever section you wanted, without credentials, and acting like you belonged.  Nice to put a face w/a screen name.



 yeah jeff....i cant remember which magazine ur from.....maybe it was a website cant remember......but i have to thank u ......your the whole reason i started getting on the ug.....thanks.....which mag/website was it again so i can start reading it.....thanks Ryan check it out sometime.

Well if no one else has said it yet:

Welcome to the UG and F@&# you KKM!!! 

Hey, what's the name of your clothing line again?  Is it Relentless?

 yeah it is relentless......and its almost up and running.....just a few more kinks to work out

 oh and im glad you liked my style at the weigh ins.......the funny thing was that chick from the ufc that caught me ended up partying with a bunch of i was making friends in all the right places....hey would it be possible to get in contact with you some time ......i just started managing a guy that i train with who has all the skills in the world to go really far....and i was just wanting another person thoughts on what some good ideas really appreciate and so would he

Absolutely.  There are a ton of people around that could give you way better counsel than me though.  But email me and I'll give you my #.   I'm happy to help any way I can.

2 great instructors. Should be an awesome seminar. When you're in Erik's seminar - make sure you're "on guard" at all times. He will kick you in the mouth if you're not paying attention even if he's just demonstrating with him. lol.

good stuff