On fridays mma live show on espn they said tune in after the fights for a live post fight show??? I have all the ESPN channels and couldnt find the show anywhere!! i enjoyed the post 114 show in witch they had live interviews with the fighters includind the main event winner Rashad Evens!
anyone know what happend??
not sure, i thought they would have held one for this PPV.
Their listings get fucked up a lot. Not sure if it's always because of live events running over, but quite often when my DVR is set to record it on Thursdays it'll end up being Baseball Tonight or some other shit.
The Pete - Their listings get fucked up a lot. Not sure if it's always because of live events running over, but quite often when my DVR is set to record it on Thursdays it'll end up being Baseball Tonight or some other shit.
Yeah. Seems like ESPN is trying to kill that show. They'll say "nobody watches it" but it is never on when it is listed to be.
Not for 116. They will be in Boston for 118.
good to hear it's still on. great show