Everybody still alive?

terminator 2, i think :)

California - 
Joshua J King - 

Phone Post

from Terminator?

Problem Child 2

Hocky Balboa -
California - 
Joshua J King -  Phone Post

from Terminator?

Problem Child 2

The Wrath of the Red Headed Step-Child Phone Post

I would put one serious ass-whooping on his punk ass

fuckin hell 208k posts

Still kicking here.

Not out of the woods until 12:00 midnight tonight Abe I think (but they never predicted 'the end' we don't know what the prediction was- stone was unreadable).

Well it just started snowing.

No hell and fire here Phone Post

I'm stockpiling the last of the Twinkies in my spaceship.

We all think we are alive, but we already died.


Yeah the world didn't end.
But my employment did...
Fuckin Mayans Phone Post

The vortex opened in my closet but mom pulled me and Carol Ann out in the nick of time!

Tyrone sBong - 

Yeah the world didn't end.
But my employment did...
Fuckin Mayans Phone Post

According to the Mayans, that's a sign of good luck! Since they didn't predict the world was going to end, but rather that a new prosperous period is going to begin, good luck to you finding something even better man!

The funny thing is the Mayan's never said anything about the world ending.. Phone Post

Dazednconfused - 

The funny thing is the Mayan's never said anything about the world ending.. Phone Post

Are you sure?


UGCTT croy_00 -
Tyrone sBong -  Yeah the world didn't end.
But my employment did...
Fuckin Mayans Phone Post

According to the Mayans, that's a sign of good luck! Since they didn't predict the world was going to end, but rather that a new prosperous period is going to begin, good luck to you finding something even better man!

Cheers mate, appreciate it, that's good to know. Vtfu when I get to a computer. Merry Xmas! Phone Post

their date didn't work.

but wtf can we make a new date when we kill all of the lawyers, at least?

Still kicking here.

Not alive here Phone Post