Evolution of UFC Rules

Am i right in thinking the UFC started with 2 rules - No biting, No eye gouging. Then due to Tanks use of the fish hook this was banned after UFC 6 ???

Also when did all the other rules change? Was it all at once or was it gradual ??? Did the rules just change when Zuffa took over from SEG ?

Thanks for any replies :)

Rules were constantly being added. No groin shots. Then the rounds. Then Judges. and so on. Zuffa just cleaned up the act and made a standard set of rules to go by.


Cheers Elvis.

Does anyone know, or know where i could find, a timeline for the rule changes?


BigBash,Go to the Event Reviews section of the MMAReview.com website which can be found here... MMAReview.com - Event ReviewsToward the bottom of each Event Review, it is noted if there were any rule modifications or promotional modifications.The Event Reviews section is a recent edition to the site so there are still numerous UFC Event Reviews missing (UFC 23 - 40 need to be added). Additional Event Reviews are added weekly.Hope this is of some assistance.

Were pressure points ever a problem? I can't think if a fight that ever was won due to some exotic pressure point strike.

Thanx JC, that was incredibly useful - and informative. Ferox is spot on too.

There was also no fish-hooking in the original UFC right?

Heatmeiser- Even if they didn't make guys wear gloves, I'm sure the fighters would anways. No one feels like breaking their hand on someone's skull.

"Were pressure points ever a problem? I can't think if a fight that ever was won due to some exotic pressure point strike."

No, this rule was just put in place to please the commissions.

"There was also no fish-hooking in the original UFC right?"

That is incorrect. The no fish hooking rulle I thought was brought in after Tank fish hooked Oleg. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


Here's some I can think of at the top of my head. Headbutts have been illegal since UFC 15. I think no kicking a downed opponent has been illegal since around 13-14. The 5 min rounds were first introduced at UFC 21. It became illegal to pull on the shorts after Miletich tried to make Burnett a thong in Ultimate Brazil. They also used to let you kick if you wore a certain kind of shoe, but that went back and forth. Those are all I have for now.

So no kicks if you wears shoes now?

They aren't allowed to wear shoes now.

From: heatmeiser

one thing that has changed that I do not like is
going from exposed knuckles to completely taped
up hands the fights are wearing now.

Take me back to the knuckles being oh naturel

The gloves and tapped hands actually make it way
more dangerous, you just can't hit as hard or as
often with a bare fist.

I think the guys that are doing tonights Raw
Combat over in Calgary are using the old pre UFC
6 rules at their event.

I can't wait to here how the fights turn out, they had
to put the fights in a vacant wharehouse with no
pulbicity so the Police wouldn't shut it down.

From: heatmeiser

one thing that has changed that I do not like is
going from exposed knuckles to completely taped
up hands the fights are wearing now.

Take me back to the knuckles being oh naturel

The gloves and tapped hands actually make it way
more dangerous, you just can't hit as hard or as
often with a bare fist.

I think the guys that are doing tonights Raw
Combat over in Calgary are using the old pre UFC
6 rules at their event.

I can't wait to here how the fights turn out, they had
to put the fights in a vacant wharehouse with no
pulbicity so the Police wouldn't shut it down.