Ex - ug'er brian frumps "I would decimate fake tough guy joe rogan in a street fight"

I’m coming for you Rogan!


He is a random youtuber that gets no views on youtube. Talks shit on Rogan/Schaub/MMA people in an attempt to get views. A couple years ago an OGer was spamming Frumps vids on the UG every time the guy would open his mouth about MMA people. Clearly has no background in martial arts and the only reason any of us have ever heard his name is because a OGer, God of Thunder used to post Frumps retarded videos on the UG and OG all the time. OP is either God of Thunder or just trolling the UG posting this shit again.


Frumps is a recovering suicidal crack/opiod/alcohol addict who has found god so it could provide some insight into some his apparent instability and delusions. The man clearly has a lot of mental health issues.

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Quitter. Why’d he stop?

Don’t know, had this playing in the background and heard that stuff while I was reading something. Fuck no I’m not giving that dude my undivided attention… or any attention. Not a good investment of time.

Even if he is sober as he claims, clearly a retarded crazy dude:

Shit. I thought it was all fun and games. Peace out

I remember about 2 years ago when Frump’s videos were getting posted. He doesnt grapple but would wear a rash guard while walking around the neighborhood. He would get winded from just walking and talking to the camera. He would also brag powerlifting but never actually showed any lifting. Just videos ranting about Rogan, Dana White, drug addiction, politics and the usual topics a youtuber does trying to find something people will respond to.

He always had a hard on for Rogan for trying to “look like a fighter”. I guess that’s the shaved head, fight tshirts, etc. but it was the same exact look Frump had. Some things never change.

That guy gives me Matty Mo vibes

Seriously, Joe Would murder that doofus and probably make him shit his own pants

But, in related news, that confirms to me what about 75% of the UG is like

To be fair, he is right about Joe being a fake tough guy. I’ve never seen or heard about him trying to act like a real tough guy despite the black belts.

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He most definitely did around the comedy world.

real tough guys don’t need to “act” like tough guys. They just are.

Guys that “act” like tough guys, usually arent

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Wasn’t there some other online doofus that challenged joe to a fight a few years back?

How did that go?

Some guy went to his jiu jitsu class or something like 15 years ago and Joe rolled hard with him or something.

What’s his real name? He’s a Kratom dealer

I just remember the vid of Joe putting him in a standing guillotine and lifting him off his feet.

Bet he wasn’t talking shit anymore he was just going nrrrhgfghrnrhgrcckkckckk

I would sure hope someone that posts on an MMA forum knows there is a gigantic difference between rolling, fighting in a cage, and fighting in the street. If you watched the video frumps said joe would easily tap in in a BJJ match. We’re talking about fighting here.

In a street fight, I would knock this dude’s glasses off and beat the shit out of him. Rogan would take him down and rip his head off.