Exercise Science Dude laughts at Dana's health miracle transformation

I don’t know, that water looks more coherent to me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though.


Dana had a shit lifestyle and diet, he started looking after himself, no shit his blood sugars and fats are going to come down.

This guy has definitely helped him I’m sure but there is a lot of bullshit in there as well.


Majority of the UG could have helped Dana


When you drastically change your lifestyle and health regimen to something like 10x compared to unhealthy living of course you’ll get good results. What I’m most skeptical about is long-term carnivore diet and the constant fasting. A lot of the carnivore bro’s have finally admitted that long-term it’s not the way.

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I feel good on carnivore, BUT I have never gone more than 6 months without going back to “normal” for a bit.

who knew that doing steroids and not eating like shit might work?


Dana looks great now, good for him


Ok, I just started the crystal meth (organic, no GMO’s), elk steak, TRT, HGH and avocado oil stack yesterday. Feeling great already, I think my body is getting rid of a lot of toxins. They say it is ok to ingest some of the avocado oil but half of it needs to be applied directly to your balls if you want all the benefits. Will try to snort some sardine power once a week to really boast Omega 3’s.

Soon I’ll start a cold plunge cycle but I need to find the most expensive and trendy cold plunge tub available before I can start. I figure the more money is cost me, the better my health will be long term.


Good Decision, your health is your wealth

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He struggled with Johnny Shreve a bit and that 115lb instructor of his

His channel is entertaining, lots of lols

Mike is just anther trust the science faggot. He also thinks eating seed oils is perfectly fine because “science”.


Idk about instant deaths from vaccine, but people around me dies while sleeping or some fast cancer takes them out in days
Lots of rare coincidences

Basics, eat healthy, non processed food, water.
Meal preps, movement, fitness, relax, help others
Have real sex, read books, talk to real people.


Yep. He’s a New York faggot who pushes this science based lifting crap because you can get 120lb Reddit pussies to buy it.

Watch how they train themselves and how they train people. Doesn’t even come close to what he preaches. Also, he tries to pick apart some of the best at lifting for growth, totally overlooking empirical evidence because Brad Shoenfield did a study on two Waffle House waiters that couldn’t do a pull up, but it showed they gained .01" forearm thickness by training 17 times a week.

He does have some good advice mixed in, but you have to find it. He’s in it for the money.


Full range motion, always full extension, pause for 1sec at the end, slowly and controlled get the weight down and push up fast or normal.
If you can do more then 5 reps = healthy joints.
Thats all

Not sure how helping others have real sex will help me but I’ll give it a shot

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