Man this is why I do not come around here any more. You have homos calling out randy Couture and saying he is stupid. What the hell happen to this place? Randy Couture is the Ali of MMA. This place is homo heaven. What happened to the respect? There is not a person here including me who could amount to the pubic hair on Randy's balls when it comes to this thing called MMA. I do not ever remember seeing Dana White shedding one drop of blood or sweat for this sport. But you idiots will follow that moron and allow him to debase prehaps the greatest mma fighter of all time. Where is the love for the sport? To hell with the UFC. MMA is bigger then some white version of Don King. This sport starts and ends with the fighters that risk their lifes for no money because they love what they do. Not once has any one ever accused Randy of cheating or doping. When he lost he accepted it like a man. He never ducked anyone and carried the ufc banner before anyone ever heard Dana White. Randy did it the american way, which is hard work and then more hard work. Shame on all you little Dana White clones. Shame on the UFC.
What fighter is going to get banned next for wanting money to make a decent living?
I was taking a break from here for a bit, but your post warrants a TTT.
hi Randy
Randy is probably the single greatest fighter in MMA history. But as a business man...not so much.
Mag I have had the same screen name from the start. I do not post unless I have something to say.
it has always been that way. Trolls keyboard warriors. You have to just ignore the stupid shit on here and only post on the posts you are interested in.
Interesting how the Randy fans sound like Tito fans when Tito was getting f'd over.
What's in common?
i agree with you Randy bashing. But he brought his UFC problems on himself. can't blame Dana for that.
Respect the fighters. What is so wrong with that?
"I do not ever remember seeing Dana White shedding one drop of blood or sweat for this sport."
Having TTT'd this bad boy in support and recognition of Randy. I also want to clarify that I also support Dana as well. To say this guy hasn't played an integral role in where the sport is today is ignorant (no offense). The guy took the "Face" role and the sport has flourish'd beyond what most of us would have expected 8 years ago. That being said, Now us MMA FANS get to see the ugly side of "buissness". Its like an ugly divorce, the only ones that lose are the "kids". I hope the integrity of the UFC and Randy come through this in tact.
I respect the hell out of couture
but I disagree with his decision to not honor his contract
Ok I see where this going. So you all respect Don King for being the face of boxing for 20 years? Lets forget that he took advantage of the fighters, he saved boxing.
Honor the contract you signed. Ask for more money when your contract is up.
King made a bunch of millionaires
Great Post Slepy; I with you 100% on this one!!
Randy is a great fighter. Nobody has said otherwise that wasn't trolling. Now...quit referencing his balls and pubic hair, k?
I see now that slepy does not have a meth addiction. I was hardcore Randy supporting until all the info came out, and now I just don't care. The guy can do what he wants and deal with the legal consequences he's willing to face. God bless everyone.
Randy has definitely earned the benefit of doubt.
Chainsaw has ruined my buzz with imagines of a gyrating, nude Aretha Frankin.