Fan vs. Team Golden Glory

Some backstory. MMA Youtuber Bloodstain Lane made a video last week pressing both Alistair Overeem & Team Golden Glory (Bas Boon) to put aside the beef they have with M-1 and accept the fight every fan wants to see-Fedor. The video was soon posted on Holland's most visited MMA Forum, MixFight NL. Bas Boon quickly responded, resorting to insults in an response that came off more like an essay written by a scorned teenager rather than that of the head of Holland's best fight team. Ubereem also chimed in calling Bloodstain a frinkandel (the dutch equivalent of a weenie) but in the same day gave his word he would fight Fedor Emelianenko in December. Was the video the straw that broke the dutch camels back? Maybe, maybe not. Anyways, here's a link to all the hilarious drama that ensued. Break out the popcorn and prepare too be entertained.

The Video Bas Boon & Overeem reacted to:

Bas Boon & Overeem's Replies from the MixFight.NL forums:

Bloodstain's Response to Bas Boon & Overeem:

Overeem said that the fight will definitely happen but he did NOT say it will happen in December.


dunchurrn - Overeem said that the fight will definitely happen but he did NOT say it will happen in December.

Ah, it's my fault then. I'm still under the impression he's competing in the K-1 World GP? If so I hope Badr faces him in the 1st Round and knocks his block off. If he thinks he's gonna gingerly enter the GP and win, he has another thing coming.

stop posting this tools videos please


 Overeem's rumoured first round opponents are Daniel Ghita or Ben Edwards.

Online translators suck.

Can anyone explain the exchange between Remco, Bas, and Overeem?



I respect Overeem's decision to fight in the K-1 World GP, but c'mon. His first priority should be to represent SF as their HW Champion. The fight with Fedor should have took precedent over everything else.

Hemlock - Online translators suck.

Can anyone explain the exchange between Remco, Bas, and Overeem?

I'd like to know the same for the lulz

HoeroTekken - I respect Overeem's decision to fight in the K-1 World GP, but c'mon. His first priority should be to represent SF as their HW Champion. The fight with Fedor should have took precedent over everything else.

Why, and who says? Further, is there some unknown facet of contract law that allows you to render a contract null and void just because you like Fedor?

looks like Remco was defending Lane, saying that he supports Golden Glory fighters and he's just a fan

Boon was basically saying, well dont talk shit unless you have your facts straight

Overeem called him a weanie

Bloodstain's Response to Bas Boon & Overeem:

good work

caposa - looks like Remco was defending Lane, saying that he supports Golden Glory fighters and he's just a fan

Boon was basically saying, well dont talk shit unless you have your facts straight

Overeem called him a weanie

yeah Remco is known to be unbiased